Imagine waking up to this view and you suck in fresh air away from all the pollution and noise of city in this serene place. How would you feel? Happy, Right!
First of all I would like to mention I was born and brought up in a town of Uttar Pradesh (like a city only) and didn't know much about the ways of life in a village. So once I went to this village with my mother. We stayed there for one month. At first I was thinking, how I am going to live in such place with no electricity, no proper water supply, no big shops, no marts, no malls, no means of entertainment like cities, nothing.
The houses are made of mud and roofs are made up of curved brick slabs popularly know as 'khapra' in local language. For water supply there was a well from which we have to draw water. People go to a distant river for bathing n washing purposes because drawing water from the well can be tiresome. Shops were very far away and one cannot simply walk to the market. Usually people grow their own vegetables and grains and sell them for a living. Everyone in the village owns some kind of domestic animals like cow, buffalo, hen, duck, goat, pig, etc.

Greenery and fresh air is in abundance. Very few people own any kind of vehicle and most of them either use cycle or go by walk. Vegetables and fruits are fresh not like in the cities, dipped in chemicals. Eating good food and living in such surroundings can heal you spiritually and mentally.

For the domestic animals like cow n buffalo, their food is provided with this dome of hay. It's very common to see this dome in every household.

People in the village are very hardworking, their ritual is to wake up at 4 in the morning, work all day in fields and sleep at 7 in the evening. Nobody had TV in their homes and they simply sit together and talk after a long day of work. I noticed people don't have mental stress and hypertension kind of problems. They miss on so many things which people from the cities enjoy readily but even though they live a satisfied life, happy for what they have.