Hey guys everyone knows metropolitan cities are congested and are concrete jungles, but as you drive outside the city you will see natural surroundings.
Last weekend i drive to Shirdi from Mumbai. My journey was full of sightseeing as i have never seen such a green highways. I reside in Delhi and one does not see much green cover while moving out on the highway in any direction as i saw outside Mumbai.
On highways around Delhi we will find number of dhabas one after another (how can we forget famous Murthal) and there are some which are not less than a hotel. Whereas around Mumbai we don't find any such Dhabas except one or two and too after a long drive.
So it was good to see green highways in the country.
Hey guys everyone knows metropolitan cities are congested and are concrete jungles, but as you drive outside the city you will see natural surroundings.
Last weekend i drive to Shirdi from Mumbai. My journey was full of sightseeing as i have never seen such a green highways. I reside in Delhi and one does not see any much green cover while moving out on the highway in any direction as i saw outside Mumbai.
On highways around Delhi we will find number of dhabasone after other (how can we forget famous Murthal) and there are some which are not less than a hotel. Whereas around Mumbai we don't find any such Dhabas except one or two after a long drive.
So it was good to see green highways in the country.