I am one of those travelers who as much as enjoys the company of total strangers over my solo travels as well as the solace of being with myself to take a journey within .But this time things happened differently as I saw a soulmate in one of my companion and in order to experiencing the growth together we ended up travelling to a place nestled in my hometown.Two crazy kids as we are from the inside we decided for a mountain biking trip in the place gratified by beautiful sunset and monasteries and the host to first paragliding world cup held last year In India .Yes,It is this beautiful village called Bir in Kangra valley.We had our last exam and as soon as it got over we hurried over to the Delhi I.S.B.T to be kissed by the mountain sun and the crisp air hard to find in Delhi.So everything went smoothly until we checked in to the Zostel,Bir. Nonetheless to mention its beautiful hostel with warm staff and filled with travelers with stories.But as it is sometimes things happen which we have no control over but they do teach a lesson good or bad both responsible for us to grow.So,Our adventure mindset was on a high and we decided to take the leap forward the same day by hiring mountain bikes.And as my soulmate was too exited she did not checked properly which proved fatal later.I was pedaling slow downhill only to discover my soulmate pedal right in front of me as the bike began to wobble and before she could stop ,moments later I am behind and when I reach the diversion I find her in puddles of blood all over her face and she is lying unconscious and right there whole world slipped off my feet but thanks to local people for rushing her up to local doctor as fast as we could and after 15 minutes she again blackouts and says shes forgotten things.But after a proper check up we came to know she was fine .Only sudden accident had given her trauma and that whole day went by her side.And these moments made us realize how precious is life and how true care of person is known in hard times.So we decided to take that day off as she was advised bed rest.But salute to her true spirit we decided to complete everything we came for.Though she was hurt next days were filled with adventures ranging from getting lost in woods and walking for 13 kms straight to hiring bikes again to ride 7 km up to Sherab bling monastery to finding peace there finding unexplored spots in paragliding take off site to flying free to watching moon rise to getting on high horse by the bonfire to getting entertained by Zostel people to getting a jacket as gift from Italian couple to sharing Galactic stories under the stars to everything we wanted and more than that getting to make good contact with a beautiful local elderly couple.So people everything happens for a reason ,life is uncertain .Enjoy and grow from every experience underway.