Spending your summer behind a desk, staring at the clock as it makes its way from nine to five can get stale on the very first day itself. By this time of the semester, most of the senior students have decided to do the grown up thing by choosing a summer internship over a backpacking trip. The CV won’t itself and that IT Company you dream of won’t appreciate your wanderlust over your commitment towards typing numbers for a living. You might have a thing for computers and have decided to be the next Jobs, but if you are having second thoughts about ditching those excel sheets and write a better story during your ninety days away from college, this might be worth a read.
No doubt you need to improve your resume by including some sort of experience in your respective field, but a loophole in the process might make your summer interesting.
Most of the time, students who lean towards a future in medicine bid adieu for any prospect of a nomadic time off work. It might be difficult for a premed student to enjoy footloosing right after school, since he/she might need to lay a foundation for a career. Whereas during one’s time as a student, prospects are abundant as traveling doctors are in quite the demand. Lavish numbers of outreach programs exist where students can observe local professionals and perform routine tasks in various departments and be disposed to various camps as a part of ‘care projects’. Interns who wish to specialize in community outreach programs of healthcare aspects can join full time as well. Nursing and midwifery are also well designed agendas of public service programs which try to expand the horizon of the medical students. Before graduation, students have several opportunities to volunteer themselves to organizations and serve at every nook and cranny of the society.
India has an absolute abundance of engineering students, for whom a technical internship is a must during the dusk of their four year course. Most engineering firms have mass internship programs where students work for about a month during which they are accommodated in their office quarters. Students lean towards such opportunities, since variables are less and results are guaranteed. Nonetheless if you need to tend to your travel cravings during this time, you need to start early. There are many mediums (twenty19, internshala) which connect students to firms, where further filtering is done based on their skills over a telephonic interview or anything as such. Keeping in mind that this is an offbeat process, you need to start ahead of your pupils in order to add that extra flare to your internship.
Alongside the doctors and engineers, the lucky ones and are pursuing humanities courses in lines of fashion, journalism and design. The world is their playground and setting foot in a multitude of situations is something they need to do in order to truly own their job as a future reporter, newscaster or a fasionista. The most basic of the internships a journalism student can apply for is teaching English, followed by travel writing for startups and global outreach programs. Designing internships are also plentiful as it is a key aspect of every organization, budding or existent.
Human beings can never learn enough and as a student it is your job to never stop learning. Internships open your doors to learn about the job you might pursue after your graduation, and traveling during these times lets you learn a little more about yourself and questions the decisions you have made.
Don’t be homeschooled. Travel more!