It was the monsoons of 1993, when I was marking some locations on an Africa map, that I asked my geography teacher if she could take us to Africa, so that we will understand geography better. She laughed at my request, but I thought it was a great way to understand geography by travelling to those locations, where learning is fun. That started my curiosity and desire towards travel. Understanding people, places and customs.
When I became a father in 2012, I was very excited to take my son with me on travels, when he grows up and make notes on what we observe from the world. For me, it was re-reading geography and history (with the fun quotient added to learning). On father's day in 2022, I reflect on some of the memories we have made so far and feel happy for being able to translate a thought from 1993 into 2022. In 30 years a very interesting project has taken off.
a) My son Nandu has an understanding of life by the sea side is. He understands that any place we go, people try to litter. How can we conciously prevent littering and usage of plastic.
b) Based on our travels, I keep asking him quizzes when I put him to sleep, so he remembers it in his memory of what he did in each trip
c) Each trip before it makes to a blog or a vlog, has made it to our 'good night stories' and as a result Nandu is able to connect geography, history and our travels well.
A project begun well is half the job done! Hoping to make the other side of the ride more eventful and interesting as we connect the dots between history, geography, people, places and customs!