Updated: July 24, 2021
As the second wave of Covid-19 came under control and the vaccination drives are going on in full swing - people are slowly gathering the courage to step out of their homes, with all required precautions.
Over the last couple of weeks, the hill stations and beach towns have been witnessing footfall of travelers, who've been eagerly waiting to take a trip and breathe in the open. While the government is constantly alarming us about a third wave approaching, we definitely need to be more careful while indulging in our wanderlust.
If you've been dying to hit the roads as well, then here are some details about traveling to other states that might help you while planning your trip.

Here's a list of detailed guidelines about curfews, lockdowns, travel permits, and RT-PCR requirements in India.

Delhi government has set new guidelines for domestic travelers, who will be required to show a certificate of vaccination for both the doses or a negative Rt-PCR test that should be maximum 72 hours old. Travelers who are unable to show either of these proofs will have to go through a quarantine period of 14 days in a paid center or institutional center.
Maharashtra government announced that people traveling to the state will no longer need to produce a negative RT-PCR test report at the airport if they have received both the doses of COVID vaccine. The same was announced by the Union Ministry of Civil Aviation recently. Passengers will also require to carry documentary evidence of both vaccination doses while traveling to the state.
Goa has announced that travelers who are fully vaccinated can enter without having to produce a Covid negative certificate, but for those who aren't vaccinated or have received single dose, needs to show a Negative RT-PCR Report . Visit https://www.goatourism.gov.in/ for more information.
According to the reports, passengers arriving in Ladakh, both by air and road, must have a negative RT-PCR report not older than 96 hours. Otherwise, they will have to undergo mandatory Covid-19 test on arrival. All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.
Uttarakhand has imposed strict measures to curb the influx of tourists to some popular tourist destinations in the state. A negative RT-PCR report not older than 72 hours is mandatory, and travelers will have to strictly abide by all the COVID-related protocols put in place across the state. Fully vaccinated air travelers will now be allowed entry without the mandatory negative RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen test report.
It is compulsory for all people entering Meghalaya, to register themselves prior to their travel at http://meghalayaonline.gov.in/covid/testing.htm, and to download the Arogya Setu App and the Behavior Change Management App. RT-PCR testing at entry points is a must. Travelers with a valid final certificate of vaccination shall be exempted from testing.
If you are flying to Pondicherry, then you'll need an RT-PCR negative report. If entering via road, an e-pass is mandatory. You are advised to visit http://www.pondytourism.in/ for more information.
On July 5, the state government of Sikkim lifted temporary ban on the entry of visitors from other parts of the country, stating people who have taken both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine can visit the state.
Kerala government mandated a requirement of negative RT-PCR test reports for anyone entering the state. However, as per the updated order, the state government has now decided to grant an exemption from this rule to travellers who had received both the doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

Unnecessary traveling & leisure trips should be avoided during this catastrophe, although no strict measures are taken by the Central/State Governments. However, many states have made it mandatory for people flying from one city to another, to have the Aarogya Setu app as well as RT-PCR Negative test report within 72 hours of journey.
People who have received the vaccines need to carry the certificate of both doses of COVID vaccination, and they will be exempted from any sort of quarantine.
1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands -Tourism activities are temporarily suspended.
All travelers arriving shall have to mandatory carry RT-PCR negative test reports issued from a ICMR approved lab, within 48 hours of travel.
Mandatory 7 day home quarantine for all travelers even if the test of the result conducted on arrival is negative. If any passenger tests positive will be sent for institutional quarantine for further treatment.
2. Andhra Pradesh
Everyone traveling to AP must enroll themselves on the Spandana website https://www.spandana.ap.gov.in/ before their travel. All asymptomatic travelers will have to undergo home quarantine for 14 days.
3. Assam
Everyone will have to undergo compulsory home quarantine for 7 days, even if the result of COVID-19 test undergone on arrival is negative.
4. Bihar
Mandatory RT-PCR negative report and 10 days quarantine for travelers arriving from Delhi & NCR, Maharashtra, Kerala & Punjab.
5. Chandigarh
Everyone traveling to Chandigarh must register on COVA Punjab App before commencing their journey. No quarantine required but all travelers are required to fill up a Health Declaration form upon arrival.
6. Chhattisgarh
All travelers mandatorily need to have the RT-PCR negative report not tested earlier than 72 hours. People arriving without RT-PCR negative report shall be tested upon arrival free of cost.

7. Delhi
All travelers must download the Aarogya Setu App. People coming from any city/airport in Maharashtra to travel to Delhi will require RT-PCR negative reports from ICMR accredited labs done within the last 72hrs.
8. Gujarat
Travelers need to have a negative RT-PCR Report within 72 hours of arrival. People who are flying to Surat need to fill the online self-reporting form available here - https://www.suratmunicipal.gov.in/EServices/Covid19SelfReporting
9. Haryana
All asymptomatic travelers will have to undergo home quarantine for 14 days.
10. Himachal Pradesh
Travelers must install the Aarogya Setu App and also to register, at least 48 hours prior to their arrival, on the Covid E-pass portal here - http://covid19epass.hp.gov.in

11. Jammu and Kashmir
Travelers need to have a negative RT-PCR Report within 72 hours of arrival and also fill up ICMR Health form on arrival at any of the airports.
12. Jharkhand
All travelers must download the Aarogya Setu App. People coming from any city/airport in Maharashtra to Jharkhand will require RT-PCR negative reports from ICMR accredited labs done within the last 72hrs.
13. Karnataka
All travelers mandatorily need to have the RT-PCR negative report not tested earlier than 72 hours. The government has requested everyone arriving in the state to go for home quarantine for at least 7 days, in order to keep a tab on their health.
14. Kerala
RT-PCR test done within 48 hours prior to entering the state is compulsory for all travelers and everyone needs to get an e-Pass from here - https://covid19jagratha.kerala.nic.in/
15. Madhya Pradesh
Negative RT-PCR report, not older than 72 hours, shall be compulsory for all travelers coming from Maharashtra. Otherwise, travelers can arrive in the state without RT-PCR and stay in quarantine for 7 days.
16. Maharashtra
Negative RT-PCR report, not older than 72 hours, shall be compulsory for all travelers coming from NCR/DELHI, Kerala, Rajasthan, Gujarat & Goa. More information is available here- https://portal.mcgm.gov.in/irj/portal/anonymous

17. Manipur
Negative RT-PCR report, not older than 72 hours, shall be compulsory for all travelers.
18. Meghalaya
Travelers must carry negative RT-PCR report, not older than 72 hours as well as register on the State portal to generate a unique e-invite, here- http://meghalayaonline.gov.in/covid/testing.htm
19. Nagaland
Travelers must download and register on nCOVID Nagaland Visitors App. If anyone travels without a negative RT-PCR report, he/she will have to undergo self-quarantine of at least 7 days.
20. Odisha
Travelers need to carry a negative RT-PCR report, not older than 72 hours or Covid Vaccination Certificate, in order to avoid the mandatory quarantine of 7 days.
21. Punjab
Travelers must carry a negative RT-PCR report, not older than 72 hours as well as download and register on COVA Punjab App.
22. Rajasthan
All travelers must download the Aarogya Setu App and a negative RT-PCR report, not older than 72 hours. If you’re traveling to Udaipur, then it is mandatory to upload a copy of their RT-PCR negative report on http://emitra.rajasthan.gov.in
23. Tamil Nadu
Travelers need to get a mandatory e-Pass by registering on https://tnepass.tnega.org before their travel. People coming from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh & Kerala will require RT-PCR negative reports.
24. Telangana
All travelers must download the Aarogya Setu App.
25. Tripura
Travelers must carry a negative RT-PCR report, not older than 72 hours. In case you're traveling without the report, you need to go for a quarantine of 14 days.
26. Uttarakhand
All travelers who're travelling to Uttarakhand need to register on the state website: http://smartcitydehradun.uk.gov.in and RT-PCR negative report is mandatory for all travelers arriving from Maharashtra, Kerala & Gujarat.
27. Uttar Pradesh
All travelers who're travelling to Uttar Pradesh need to install the Aarogya Setu App and register on https://reg.upcovid.in and travelers arriving from Kerala and Maharashtra will require RT-PCR negative report done within 72hrs before arrival.
28. West Bengal
West Bengal state government recently stated that those flying to the state will need to carry a mandatory negative RT-PCR test report if they haven't received both the doses of any Coronavirus vaccine. They would also need to ensure that the test was conducted within 72 hours prior to their flight’s departure. However, those who are fully vaccinated and have received both the doses of vaccine, will be exempted from the RT-PCR test report. Travelers must also fill up and submit the declaration form using the Sandhane App developed by H&FW Department West Bengal.

Although the present looks worrisome, we believe that there’s gonna be a better tomorrow when we’ll win over this war with the virus and set out for exploring the world - all over again! We’d again get to binge of a bowlful of steaming hot Maggi in Himachal, hike through the valleys of Kashmir, get tanned in Goa and relax by the backwaters in Kerala.
Now that the restrictions have been eased, you can plan your trip that had been shelved for long but make sure to abide by the protocols, wear your masks, use sanitizer and avoid crowded places as much as possible.