It is 3 o clock in the ealy morning and you hear someone knocking your door.You were in a deep sleep and was trying to ignore them.Now the frequency has increased and you open to see
some of your friends invitng for a trip to UK(Uttarakhand).You first deny quoting that you need to meet a friend in delhi.They try to hypnotize with all their info about UK.You are convinced and packed to leave.
Location: DEHRADUN.
You checked into the hotel and left for MUSSOORIE,the queen of hills.
You are extremely fascinated with the mountains.
You are doing what ever is possible with the mountains.
You can climb it and cross to the other side.
You can go around it.
You can dig under it.
You can fly over it.
You are extremely joyful like a 10 year child.
Now it has started raining and you along with your friends are trying to find a shelter.
You have noticed an old woman selling some sweetcorn on the streets with a sad face indicating that none is buying her stuff.You ask her the price and she answers it will cost 50 rupees.
You know it is not at all worth but you buy it not becaue you are desperate to eat for the persistent efforts of old woman in that sizzling rain.
The glow in her face shows THAT.IT gives you happiness,the happiness you get while helping others.
You enjoyed a lot memorising the mesmerising environment .
You turn around and go back the way you came and you think you can live on the mountain and make it your home.”
You returned to the hotel and you can see your friends fighting like kids with the pillows and you join them for no reason.I have played last time like this with my bother when i was 13 years old.
You woke up the next morning.Its raining heavily now .You are unable to go anywhere outside.You can sense the fear of cancelling the trip.You waited for 2 days.But no,it is still raining. You are disappointed.You are cursing the same nature which gave you ultimate pleasure the previous day.You slept worrying about.
But the next morning,you realize that its sunny.You can sense the activness in your friends.You left for Rishikesh.
Location : RISHIKESH
Your friends are getting ready for rafting.You know that you are afraid of flowing water.Your inner fearness is avoiding you to even think of rafting.But your friends are encouraging you a lot.
Atlast you have decided to join them.You have gone to the starting point.You were watching the furious Ganga flowing dangerously.Your brain is asking you not to dare but your heart is asking you to just go and smash the fear off.
You entered the raft,the water is very cool.Your can hear your heartbeat.But you are firmly determined now.Its the first hurdle while rafting .It was a deep slope .You eneterd into it.You donno whether you come alive out of it.You have just gone into and shouted hard.You heart has just fell down from its place.
You realized you came out alive.Now you shouted louder.You have the same feeling when Virat Kohli scores a century.You shouted "Come on" several times.Now you are enjoying the ride.Now you can sense the happiness,the happiness by overcoming the fear.
The 4 hour ride ended.
You were back to the hotel.You are happier than anyone other in the world.Now it is the time for camping.
Location:NO idea
You were dropped somewhere in the middle of a hill and can clearly hear the sound of the Ganges flowing.You dont know where you are .It has already started getting dark.You are waiting for the camping guys to pick you up.After around 30 minutes they have come to pick you up.
You are a way too far from the city.There is no electricity in the camp.You are just 10 metres away from the flowing Ganga. You are very much excited.It is completely a diffrent world.No light,no phones nothing.
You sat around the bon fire.
And suddenly from no where there started raining slightly but you are hesitating to move out from the bon fire.After around 30 minutes it stopped raining.
You can sense the fragrance of the sand near the bank of river ganges.Now you are happier to know that it is a full moon day.The picture turned very romantic now.
One of your friends started topic about girls(very obvious). Everyone is revealing their own love story(s).Now that it is your turn.You think for a while and laugh at yourself that you have not got even a single love story.You pity on yourself how miserable you are.
Now you have seen some young couples taking to each other and having some very nice time.You are looking into each of your friends face and so are they.I thin you can understand the feelings.
And its around 12 o clock now.You are sitting on the bank of the Ganges and thinking about nothing.
You are feeling the wind gently touching you.The sound of the water flow seems to be the sweete music you are ever listening.You are looking into the sky,you can see a lot of stars...and you think..wah...how many days it has been seeing the satrs like this and your thoughts has got no limits they are are pointing oblivion .
As it was said "Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why."