Buran Ghati Trek

1st May 2021

Buran Ghati Trek

Being the master of all the treks, Buran Ghati trek is located deep in the Himalayas of Himachal Pradesh, Buran Pass Trekking inhabits every possible perk. From large fields of yellow flowers to camping over a cliff on a barren mountain, the trail to Buran pass offers you so much more than any other trek.

If one has to term a trek nearly as perfect, Buran Ghati Pass Trek is the one. A journey that accompanies you through natural beauty, bumpy adventures, peaceful yet filled with exciting challenges.

As much of the name suggests, one of the major attractions of the Buran ghati trek is the meadows. Throughout the entire Buran Pass Trekking, you pass from one meadow to another. What’s special to this is that every meadow is distinct from each other. Some are laden with blooming yellow flowers, and others are patched with nut-brown wild horses.

Photo of Buran Ghati Trek 1/4 by Prashant Rai

Doesn’t it sound like a paradise? More than the comfort, it is a natural beauty of Buran pass that captivates you. Buran ghati trek is a typical Spring and Autumn trek that boasts large open clearings with unimaginable lush green grasslands. Be it Dayara Bugyal or the other bugyals, all of them will keep surprising you throughout the way while trekking In Himachal.

Photo of Buran Ghati Trek 2/4 by Prashant Rai

And, how could one forget about the mountains while Trekking in Himachal Pradesh? All along the way of Buran Ghati Pass Trek, you will be accompanied by the ranges of snow-capped mountains. Imagine it like, you are walking in your lush green garden flourished with blooming flowers, but instead surrounded by the borders of your home, there are these mountain peaks. Wouldn’t it be a sight to behold forever?

Well, the trek trail comes with a long list of beautiful spots which is not possible to cover in the blog. Though the forests in this trek are simply a charm without which this perfectly imperfect trek is incomplete. The initial trail to Buran Pass Trekking ventures through dense forests of oak, pine, and maple. But there is something special about the forests through which the Buran Ghati Pass Trek will take you.

Photo of Buran Ghati Trek 3/4 by Prashant Rai

With an unparallel beauty of the trail, the Buran Ghati trek sometimes lures you want to get lost and dive deep into the wild. The wilderness of these forests guarantees to fall anyone for it, wishing to never end. Well, the surprises have just started to come.

Right after the forests, you enter the open lands of meadows and then you realize why Buran pass trek is called one of the most perfect Trekking In Himachal, across the country.

Chandranahan Lake is another which you cannot miss out on Buran Pass Trekking or while Trekking In Himachal. Surrounded peacefully in the middle of majestic mountains and blooming meadows, Chandranahan Lake gives you a glimpse of the beauty similar to Kashmir. And, with astonishingly blue in its appearance, the Chandranahan Lake stays silent and peaceful throughout the year.

Trekking in Himachal Pradesh comes with glacial mountains in the backdrop and wildflowers bordering the landscape. What else could you ask for while Trekking In the Himalayas with the most mesmerizing scenes you’ve ever in your life. Due to the relatively low no. of trek communities visiting daily, you might get a chance to spend some time beside the lake. A perfect way to eliminate all your negativity.

Photo of Buran Ghati Trek 4/4 by Prashant Rai

Lastly, Trekking in Himachal Pradesh is incomplete without the special Buran pass trek. Unlike any other paas trek,

the Buran Ghati trek gives you a challenging ascend. And, with not so easy feeling of achievement, the Buran Ghati pass trek is something you must have never experienced before.

And, the moment you reach the top, the massiveness of the valley appears to swallow you as you look down. The views from the top is another thing that is worth mentioning while Trekking In Himalayas. With the Great Himalayan peaks around you, trek to the Buran pass becomes an unimaginable moment with speechless beauty. Considered an achievement to the Trekking In Himalayas.