Lots of planning involved, Purchasing riding gears (Mostly Online), a new wind-shield for my Avy 220, convincing friends from another city, researching on routes and pit-stops, browsing different websites for better leads, Finally its the day we are on for our bike tour-o-parashar lake.
3 bikes, 3 riders and 1 pillion. I think sometime its less the people more the quality memories and matching the mind-sets of all. We were on our avengers 220 from delhi to Parashar lake with a stay at Mandi (72 kms before Parashar Lake).
The day of Ride:
It was a hot day we started our journey to the secluded Parashar Lake in Himachal Pradesh (Indian State). We started from Noida around 02.00 pm and was at Amrik Sukhdev Eatery for our first pitstop where 2 of the riders met and continued from there onward. We started from the first pit-stop at 03.30 pm and reached Ambala City by 06.10 pm. From Ambala joined our 3 rider, with a small refreshing stop at Ambala we started our journey on for Mandi City around 07.00 pm. From there we took the route Ambala-Banur-Kharar-Ropar(Rupnagar)-Kiratpur. A beautiful highway and the sun was down, it was a blissfull ride till kiratpur. Now from Kiratpur we have to take the Manali Route till Mandi City. Its was 10.00 pm when we stopped for a tea break around Kiratpur. From then the route was Kiratpur-Bilaspur-Sundarnagar-Mandi. We had our dinner near Bilaspur at around 11.30 pm. Then on finally decided to check with someone for a hotel to stay in Mandi. Got a stock info from the Dhaba Owner that Mandi city will not entertain us during that wee hours, and suggested to stay 10 kms before that, at Ner Chowk. Finally reached Ner Chowk at around 02.00 am at called it a day around 04.00 am with 2 pegs of Old Monk.
Day 02 - Ner Chowk (Mandi) - Parasher Lake
This was nice but adventurous day for all 4 of us. Started from our Hotel in Ner Chowk around 10.00 am. Looking for a smoke break one of our friend carrying all the IDs, Wallets, in a bag, forgot at a small shop near to the Hotel and we continued our journey till Mandi City. After Reaching Mandi Bus Stand, one of the bike has to return the same shop to pick up the Bag. Started off from Mandi City around 11.00 am with some photo sessions. Crossed IIT Mandi situated in picturesque valley altogether. Reached Parasher in the evening around 05.00 pm, with multiple tea stops and rain stops. The last 14 kms there was no road only the gravel and slush due to rain. At last around 06.00 pm in the eve tented our accommodation and called it a day after ordering Rajma(Kidney Beans Gravy) and Rice. Had a bornfire and some old Monk Sessions as well.
Day 03 - Parashar Lake to Delhi NCR
Started from Parashar Around 11.00 am. Route for the day was Parashar Lake-Mandi-Kiratpur-Ambala-Delhi-Noida. All the way down to Mandi we explored everything on the way. Some water stream crossing over the bike and then ordering some omelets on the bank of the river. It was a crazy but full of enthusiasm in all of us that we had this trip done with no it even a single breakdown with the Bikes. Yes offcourse it was tiring a bit, but WHO CARES ABOUT THAT, when you have your Avenger with you. Reached back around 04.00 am in the morning, and its says WELCOME TO DELHI. Literally do not want to come back to the same life again. But you have to earn it to return back to Himalayas.