I think this is one of the bold decision I have ever taken in my life. Life was going well and everything was fine at that moment and was sorted out but me as a person was missing that excitement and thrill. I know that’s an absolute manufacturing defect that I have. I do not like things happening in normal ways and always ready to take that additional step and risk to taste the flavor of excitement. My friend and Colleagues say that I lead life on the edges and prone to take risks without any reason. I do not want to contradict them but that’s how I am and can’t help changing myself

I think I have given a brief introduction of myself and abused myself well in the last para. So now let’s get into the story. What did I decide this time….? I thought lets visit Kolkata from Bangalore on bike. It was going to be 3 days ride. The distance to be covered was 2000 KMS. The distance was not short so the ride has to be panned very well. And it was going to be solo ride. So anything and everything happens on that way, it have to be dealt by me. So for that a person has to be mentally strong enough. The hotels were booked as per the dates and the date finally came.

It was 8th April I started my journey from Bangalore. I started at 6 AM. I know 6AM is very late for these kind of long road trips. I had plans to start early but it got delayed due to my office work. So I knew very well what’s the speed I am going to maintain throughout the day as I have started late.
Day1 destination was Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh. 850 kms I had to cover. I was a bit worried about the road condition but very soon my worry was gone when I touched the Bangalore-Tirupati Highway. It’s a 4 lane road properly maintained by NHAI. The highway was constructed through the hills and so the scenic beauty around was also good. I was able to maintain an average speed of 100 to 110 km/h as the traffic on the highway was considerably less. I reached Rajahmundry at 7pm and finally ride for day is done.

I am not sure why but I did not get a good sleep at night at the Rajahmundry hotel. So I thought lets not waste time lying on bed and start the ride for the day. By 4AM I checked out and was on the highway by 4.30 AM as my hotel was very close to the NH. But I realized later I had started the day with a mistake. First 4 hrs of ride was absolutely fine and early morning rides are always pleasant than the day rides. I was only 40kms away from Vishakhapatnam and I realized while riding that I am not able to keep my eyes open. In other simple words I was feeling sleepy. This happened because I did not get enough sleep and also did not allow my body to take enough rest and ideally I should not had done it. But now nothing can be done, I am on the highway. So I decided I would stop somewhere and take a power nap and then resume. I stopped at a tea stall and decide to take a break for an hour over there. After one hr I had tea from there and started my journey towards Bhubaneshwar. Still I had to cover almost 400 KMS but I knew I will cover it before evening. After riding for 5 kms from the stall I realized that I have left my laptop bag at the shop. This is when I started panicking and for a moment I thought I have lost everything as I had my office laptop, DSLR and the most important documents in that bag. I was lost at the time. I immediately took an U turn and rushed towards the stall. When I reached the stall, I saw the stall owner was smiling at me. Before I could say something, he said that he has kept my bag securely with him inside and if I would not have come then he would have send my bag through courier. This proves that still we have some good people with kind heart living in this world. If the stall owner wanted then he could have denied the possession of my bag but instead of doing so he kept it and thought of returning it through courier and if I would not have come back. Thanks to him for his gentle behavior.

I started again and I know I have lost couple of hours from my hand and so now I have no time to beat around the bushes. The road was not good in Orissa. The work was going and I had to face multiple deviations on my way. Finally reached the Bhubaneswar hotel at 4PM. The hotel was good and it was on the highway and so it was not difficult to find. I was feeling relaxed thinking that the day2 is also over and now I have only 500 kms to cover. I know I can sleep well that night and start a bit late next day.

I started my day a bit late. I think I started from Bhubaneswar around 7:30AM . In the city I got traffic but soon I was out of the city and was on the national highway. But as I started a bit late I could feel the heat as the day moved onwards. I entered Bengal at 1PM. The road was good in Bengal but traffic was considerably more and so I had to restrict my speed within 80km/hr. Finally I reached Kolkata at 4PM and finally the 3 days solo ride came to an end.

It was a very good experience for me but I felt probably I have chosen the wrong time and it was very hot in Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. So I would suggest the other riders if they are planning for same kind of ride please plan it in winter then it will be definitely less tiring.
Things to Remember…
• Always try to carry less luggage during the ride and always carry your luggage in a organized way. Rather than taking multiple bags please carry saddle bags.
• Always keep your self-hydrated whenever you are riding such long distances. Have enough water and always put some water on your head and around your neck. This will help you to deal with the excess heat
• Do not ever have heavy food on the way. This might lead you to probable problems. Firstly you might start feeling sleepy after having full meal and also you cannot trust the quality of food in the highway stalls and it might lead you towards indigestion or gastric problems. But do not skip your meals and ride empty stomach as this might have different outcomes. So chose your meal wisely and have in optimum amounts.
• Always subscribe the roadside assistance before going for this kind of long rides. As if the vehicle malfunctions and breaks down on the way then it will be easy for you to get support through RSA. This has happened with me on my return journey from Kolkata to Bangalore. I will share in my next blog
• Always wear safety gears while riding such long distance.
• Avoid riding in highways at night
