A City that refuses to give away its light, its spirituality and chaos.
After a long tribulent journey from Kolkata, I finally reach Amritsar after two days of a tidious railway journey.
From the moment our train entered the land of Punjab light never seemed to leave us even at 7.30 in the evening, more than astonished I was, it gave me a sense of a beacon which refuses to torch out inspite of years of bloodshed, revolutions, trechery which this land has seen over the past century.
It was dark by the time I reached Amritsar, although for a city it was not quiet too dark. The street activities seems to have ceased by then as if there was some kind of curfew has broken out.
Tired from the journey I decided for further to lay rest for the next day.
Amritsar- Sweet Nectar and Chaos...
History has it all... No more info about what the place really is.. A Mecca for the Sikhs and a spiritual solemn for the loney. Out of the entire day spent at Amritsar I spent almost 60% of the day sitting by the lake that surrounds the holy shrine, they call Amrit Sarovar... Continuous hymns either recited or sung can be heard from far off the Temple Area.. Now that my friend is a serious trance.. On any oridanry day for a person illterate of the language spoken it would be a gibberish, but wait to really find the meaning and it really shows how small we really are in this galaxy of creation..
I have heard this from a friend of mine that places of spiritual value have an energy working on... But while my years of travelling, solo, group or family I found that all places have an energy working around it... The smell the color everything personifies the energy of it... After a long time of experiencing such an spiritual pull at Kashi Viswanath in Varanasi, I felt the same here again...

The place is not far from the Golden Temple.. As you close the so called monument today you can so easily feel the massacre which this place is a witness of.. Everything has changed today... MacDonalds, Cafes, Keventer, fancy shops selling handicrafts, clothings in simple words its a boluevard of wants and needs..
As you enter if you are a first time visting this place that narrow lane would set your heart racing... But as you enter the main compund its a different scene...Lush green garden with
metalled road which will lead you to various areas of the compund or some evidances which time itself could'nt erase...
May be we don't want to elaborate our cries and wailings of this place and rightly so it has been disguised with powerful tools of capitialization... As you enter you forget about the manslaughter, forget about that cries and wailings on that fateful night. As if people here don't want to remember the incident taht occured. But still the wounds on the walls and few walls which still remain reflect evry bit waht we lost that day...
A stright walk from Jallianwala Bagh lies the Town Hall which has been converted into a well maintained and curated museum on the partition and its distress...
I some how did'nt enjoy Punjab that much... May be because of the rains or may be because of the shaddy hosts... I travelled from Amritsar to Chandigarh next morning... My next destination would be the mountains...
With a Frodo still inside me I guess plains was never my territory of happinesss...