Thought to move out of the hostel, there was no other options to leave early since corona broke out into the city.
I decided to go and stay in Chennai at my friends room for 20 days, here is something strange happened when I arrived.

But all of a sudden I heard the country is going to be shutdown for more days and staying in Chennai wasn't a good option for me, So I decided to book the earliest and the cheapest flight asap, for my hometown.
I thought of staying in Room thats was possible for me since I am new to the city and the situation outside was not good.

Around 12:30 I reached Kolkata and here the situation is a bit different, the people are not like aliens since I can speak bengoli which makes me feel like I am talking to my own family.

I did a mistake that is I came out of the exit gate and I had to wait for almost 5 hours out side the entry gate, no shops were open and I was hungry, I had water with myself thats all.
The night seems to be tough but I had to be awake since I had my another flight at 6.30 am for Guwahati.
As soon as I boarded I went for a sleep and It was the first time that I haven't seen my flight taking off and landing. I wasn't able to open my eyes for a second.
I book rapido as soon as I arrived at Guwahati Airport to Railway station.

I called here and there, and got the cheapest ticket for home, i.e on 19th the issue is this, staying in his room would be a choice of troubling him, So I decided to ask my brother (Vjiay) whom I met 6 month ago in a event organized by PoetryWorld.org and he is a cool guy indeed, he helped me for staying in his home. And I decied to move soon, I decided to move next morning.
Let me tell you when I arrived actually I arrived at the wrong location, he asked me to reach Kadaka Mini Street, I was somewhere else, Now the thing is what should I do for the next two days, I was bored and the city was losing its charm because of corona.

A bored guy like me does only few things like, I was reading a book that was by Robin Sharma and took my phone out and capture tue beauty of the city and myself lol....
And I passed the day sleeping and yawning.
It was the day when I had to leave for home.
I wasn't so excited but I had to.
In the afternoon I went outside to buy some stuff for the travel, after returning I started arranging my stuff, you can see how messy I am.

The day passed on, In the evening it was a time for departure and I left his home.

You can get a view of corona from the above pictures, The metro empty and even the Airport too.
I had my flight at 10 pm I boarded and I went for a sleep.
As soon as I reached the Railway station, I found the train is cancelled and that struck me I have to be awake for the 5 more hours and my mind was screwed. I had no other choice, I had my breakfast at the Railway's own catering, I was siting in the waiting hall and all of a sudden I fall asleep, still I had 1 hr. To pass I went to a shop brought and energy drink which helped me to open my eye for few mins and again I was in the same condition as soon as the train arrived, I jumped inside and I went for a sleep, I kept my head on my luggage and I am off, I woke up around 4 pm. Leh I am home.

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