5 Places To Heal Your Heart Break


I was resting on my rocking chair while sipping hot chocolate mocha to sod off the menacing solace of recent relationship breakup. I was crying loud from inside but could not pass it out through my eyes as I was pretending brave, indeed deceiving myself.

Looking at the dark orange sky from my rustic window pain, I could feel every movement of the tired sun setting down to unwind onto the ocean bed. Living in the world of my sore reminiscences I was bound to praise nature for its spell binding glory while the caresses of cold wind were trying to heal my agony. Deep in my senses, I was pleading to get rid of this sharp emotional knife which was stabbing my heart incessantly since last one week. And I finally got up from my chair to get my laptop, ending up booking the air tickets for the next day to some pacifying destinations irrespective of their distance from Mumbai, as all I desired at that point of time was respite.

I picked up my backpack that was waiting to come out of the last shelf of my cupboard as I hardly got the chance to travel around, courtesy my frantic professional schedule. While taking out my running shoes with 5 pairs of tees and comforting jeans I used to wear during my college days, in hope to relive that happy phase. Shimoga, Mawphlang, Idukki, Runn of Kutch and Ashwem topped my list of travel fantasy as I was yearning to visit these for a long time.

That night seemed the longest of all as I could barely had a wink of an eye. Tossing from right to left with my pillow I was waiting to board the flight to run away from my melancholies. As soon as the first sacred ray of shinning sun peeped into my window, I jumped out of bed to gear up for the unexpected blessing in disguise as I was hopeful.

Once I was through with all the picks, my fingers rushed to book the cab and I was 5 minutes far to board into the ride to a new life. The cab driver seemed as an elf of optimism to me and there started the very step to live up my dream. I was counting in seconds as the roads passing away through the side view mirror of the cab forced me to believe that my pains are vanishing away too.

In the next hour I was passing in my seat belt in the flight to Ashwem. This pleasant city in Goa was perhaps waiting for me to admire its beauty in my exclusive metaphoric style as its soothing weather in itself was a healing therapy for my pain. Right since I stepped out on the town, I filled up with a transformed oomph and was looking forward to relishing some impressive moments in such bliss.

Walking down a filthy street where skinny kids were sharing pieces of the only raw bread, but they still dwelled in delight as reflected finely from their shining eyes. They made me realize that I can be happy the time I cease to be happy. That blur yet serene moment added more to my ecstasy and thus strengthened my optimism while fading the shades of torments.

I moved on to unveil the exotic treasures smitten all through this happening coastal area. Chasing my love for the beaches, I luckily made for this charming shore, away from the hustle of the crowd. Surrounded by lush coconut trees, dancing waves of lucid water turning the atmosphere, musical with melodious rhythm, this place are unimpeachable. Learn to live again with positivity, confidence and happiness while settling in this beautiful place which perfectly blends up the just right proportion of freshness and pleasure.

I was physically tired by then, but was mentally rejuvenated and I chose to check into the hotel to unwind and to feed my appetite. My discerning heart and fatigued back had a breath of relaxation on the feather soft mattress of the single bed available in that room, facing the dynamic local market in that area.

The surprising factor for me was that hustling sound and roaming crowd was not disturbing me rather it filled a different energy in me. I fell asleep all at once just after I served my taste buds with the delicious Biryani. That was going to be sweet sleep after such a long time and I was glad about it.

The next morning was unlike those ordinary mornings, this one was a bit more refreshing, a bit brighter, a bit more amusing and a lot more delightful. I could not believe in the miracle, travelling has done to me. To jot down more of these jubilant experiences into my travel diary, I moved on to explore the rest of the places on my mind to capture the enchanting verses of travelling tales.

Tap your feet on the melodious sound of captivating Jog waterfalls which will surely change your perspective to take up the things in a newer and happier way. The fascinating panoramic view of mountains adorned with rivers and lush are foliage will develop the genuine tone of happiness with you with an eye blink.

Blimey!! Nothing can beat this glorious spot of Idukki, nestling in the heart of Kerela. Pristine lakes dancing down through narrow passages among mighty hills will melt your mind, shedding sadness just as rock off a cliff.

The land with the crystal shine grace of white sand spread across a great distance in Gujarat. Spend some quality time camping, enjoying the bone fire, revealing out surroundings, riding on camels and trying to fall asleep beneath the shimmering sheet of twinkling stars. Leave all the problems dug in the heap of sand and swear not to remember it ever again.

Sacred Forest, Mawphlong

Be prepared to resist the charming glory of meadows resting amidst a magical forest, defying most of the nature’s laws. Worth a visit spot for sore hearts, this enchanting treat of greenery and mystical mountains enclosed with ultimate peace is like anything. You can’t afford to miss this!!

Traveling probably is the most effective cure to heal up that break in your heart with the ointment of joy, adventure and tranquility.

Have you recently had a relationship breakup? Do nightmares wake you up with horrible jerks?? Does this heavy heart, plead to burst out??? Oh Lord!! Move on chap; let your mind and heart breathe in a blissful and happening air once again. Step out of the blanket drenched with your tears and step into your running shoes to get set go for an exhilarating trip to any of the below mentioned spots blessed with spellbinding landscape and serenity. Swipe away loneliness and mingle up with ancient tribes, exploring the historic trance of eminent places, take a fresh dive into the ocean and swim with colorful fishes, relish the ultimate sun shower and rest in the arms of the moon.