Last year (October, 2016), a group of 5 friends on 4 bikes went to Uttarakhand and become a member of self-made Biker Traveler tribe. In a span of 4 months, 2 more friends joined the tribe. This time, we have 5 bikes and 7 people.
With the motto of 'less words, more pics', i am sharing this 3-day journey in the form of pictures with captions and one NOTE about the silly mistake that caused a near-death experience...
Day 1 (27 Feb, 2017)
Day 2 (28 Feb, 2017)
Note: My bike developed a snag due to a silly mistake which i was doing again and again...but this time it struck me hard...i switched-off the engine while driving downhill with neutral gear...it was helping me to save the fuel...but because of this, battery was unable to charge...While riding at the night, the light are turned on but the engine is switched-off...due to which, my battery was draining rapidly...and after some time, the lights went off...At night, in the middle of road with a speed of 45-50 kmph and deep gorge on the side of that road....LIGHTS OFF....other riders are slightly ahead of me...so i immediately tried to blow the horn...No power..no horn...i saw them moving ahead of me and they are going faster...i tried to switch on the engine...Engine is not turning on....In short, NO LIGHT, NO HORN and NO ENGINE POWER...with no visible road at night...i had to choose quickly...Should i break immediately and get skid with a chance of falling into the gorge on the right...OR... Should i break slowly and crash towards the leaf side of road which is nothing but a wall of rock....i steered to left and crashed towards the wall of rock...very narrowly escaped to lie flat on the road.... (All this happened in a span of minute)...i dragged my bike at the dark corner of the road using mobile torch...sat there for a while and took some time to control the heartbeats...then i called the pillion rider....they come back after 15-20 minutes....this time duration was the longest time duration of my life....
Afterwards, the fellow riders put me at the center of the pack...two bikes ahead...two behind...driving very closely to each other...using light of their headlights to see the road ahead...reached a small village after some time....halted there...look for the mechanic...no one was there...so we all started working together and somehow managed to start the bike...
It was already 8 pm...so, we were driving like devils to reach Rishikesh as early as possible... reached Rishikesh by 9 pm...found a hotel after an hour....found other stuffs and conclude the eventful Day 2.
Day 3 (29 Feb, 2017)