3 life-changing lessons I learnt on my first ever solo trip

13th Apr 2019
Photo of 3 life-changing lessons I learnt on my first ever solo trip by Miteeksha

I've always been fascinated with the idea of taking a solo trip. When on a vacation, I enjoy doing things at my pace and absolutely hate being rushed.

I was never sure if traveling solo is something I'd like. In April 2019, I decided to find out. Thus began my first ever solo trip to the absolutely stunning Spiti Valley.

I joined a group tour organised by a travel agency based in Delhi. There were 8 of us in the group, each joining the group solo. Traveling and spending 8 wonderful days with people I'd never met before changed my perspective about a lot of things in life.

The three most important lessons I learnt were...

1. Stereotypes are BS

Photo of 3 life-changing lessons I learnt on my first ever solo trip 1/1 by Miteeksha

A few days after I returned from my trip to Spiti, Shivya Nath posted this beautiful write-up on her Facebook page. And I could relate to every single word she's written.

On my trip, I met, laughed and shared stories and food with people I normally wouldn't even talk to. And it was an amazing experience. One I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

2. Happiness isn't materialistic

For the first time in my life, I had the chance to sleep under the stars, listening to nothing but the sound of the jungle. It was the happiest and the most content I've ever felt.

If only, I could spend every single day of my life that way.

3. Self love is everything

Spending 8 days in the mountains, away from the city with a bunch of strangers, I realised that most things we fuss over are absolutely necessary.

At the end of the day, what ultimately matters is how happy you are. And to lead a happy life, self love is pretty much all you need.

Cliched as it may sound, when I got back from my first ever solo trip to Spiti, I was a changed person. And even though I tell everyone that I'm a beach person, a part of me wants to escape the city life and go settle down in the mountains.

I'm a vegan travel blogger from India. For more pictures, tips and hidden destinations you must-visit, follow me on Instagram.