Day 1
3 Days 3 Posts:
With Independence Day around the corner (August 15th), we thought to let our fam knows about the colors of our National Flag, Tricolor stands for.
So, let's start from the bottom one; Green 🇮🇳.
We depicted green color with a pic of Puga Valley, Ladakh.
Green Color in national flag stands for the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land.
Date: October 2021
Place: #ladakh
Image/Video Copyright 2022: 2 Solo Souls
#2solosouls #sakshipriyanka #travellingsisters #nationalflag #nationalflagday #independenceday #independencedayindia #nationalflagofindia #nationalflagofindia🇮🇳 #tricolor #tricolour