I was not born with the sense of wanderlust. I have started travelling only six years ago. I’ll never forget the first time when I saw mighty mountains or the vast sea. I remember sitting in front of the beach looking at the crashing waves for hours. Those were the moments when I decided that come what may, I will travel around this wonderful world.
Then one fine day, I met her, my soul sister. I still remember the time when I travelled with her for the first time. That was the time when I thought that maybe I could ask her to accompany me on my next journey. I did exactly the same and till date, we have taken ten trips together. Travelling with her has affirmed my belief that everyone should travel with their BFF at least once in their lifetime. Here are my top 10 reasons to do that:
Reason #1- You will learn new things about each other
This can be a good thing or a bad one because you may get to know something about them which you start loving or hating. But knowing is important, whatever it is, since you are best friends.
In our recent trip to Landour, Uttarakhand, I realised that she walks too slow and she got to know that I walk too fast. So, it was always like me telling her to increase the pace as I didn’t want to get late in reaching a place or miss our bus. On the other hand, she kept on telling me to walk besides her because she wanted to appreciate the beauty of the surroundings while walking on the road. She said, “Nancy, you are not on a solo trip. Why are you walking so fast?”, to which I replied, “That’s my normal speed.”
It was just a 5-minute discussion but we got to know something important about each other, no matter how small it was. It is quite sure that when travelling with someone close, you are going to learn some little things about one another that you have never encountered before- nothing bad, just different.
For instance, she prefers a window seat on the bus. She likes honey lemon tea. She gets scared when a speeding vehicle passes by her. Because of our journeys together, I know very tiny things about her and that goes for her as well. Travelling together is the best way to find out if someone will drive you nuts!
Reason #2- You will always have someone to lean on
Travelling may put you in unfortunate circumstances sometimes. It can be dangerous as well. But if you are with your bestie, then the fear gets divided between both of you and you don’t have to face the situation alone.
We travelled to Pushkar, Rajasthan and got stuck in a group of drug peddlers at a cafe. The whole situation got problematic to such an extent that at one point in time, we thought that it would be impossible to leave from there. But since we had each other’s back, we were able to escape. When we were returning home, my friend and I discussed how everything that happened taught us something that can never be learned otherwise.
Reason #3- Your bestie is like a fragment of home
Travelling is not always comfortable. Sometimes, some situations arise that may get you worked up. That time when you are in unfamiliar territory, your friend is like your comfort zone whom you have carried with you. Reassurance from them is all you need at that moment. Moreover, travelling with your best friend is like an adventure from the moment you meet. You don’t have to wait for the destination to get that high.
Reason #4- You can act as stupid as you want
That’s the most rewarding part of travelling with your best friend. You can be absolutely weird around them and you will not even give it a second thought while doing that. My best friend brings out the real and wild person in me. Whether it’s about taking idiotic selfies or acting funny in a serious situation, exploring the world with her is a gift.
One such funny incident happened recently. After getting bitten by a monkey a few months back, I have developed a serious phobia now. So when we were travelling together and I saw a monkey on the road, I just threw off my bags then and there and started walking in the opposite direction of that huge monkey. Also the same day, I took lift on a scooty from a random stranger for the shortest distance possible (10 feet) because again, there was a gigantic monkey on the way. I know that it was kind of hilarious for her, but she didn’t laugh at me (at least not in front of me)!
Reason #5- You learn to adjust (and enjoy it)
After hearing and reading a lot about Prashar Lake, Himachal Pradesh, we finally decided to go there and see it for ourselves. We reached Mandi and started looking for affordable accommodation. After trying for a long time, we came across a very cheap-looking hotel. Now, comes the serious yet funny part. The room was in such a bad condition. The walls were damp and the place was stinking badly. The paint was also peeling off from the walls. There was a small balcony that was unimaginably dirty. I cannot even start to describe the condition of the bathroom. Since we were so cold and tired, we settled on taking it. Guess what, we didn’t regret even a single bit. The sole reason was that we were together. Not only did we adjust happily but also had a great time. The experience of staying there still gives us cheerful laughter.
Reason #6- You will have the best stories for a lifetime
My best friend and I have hundreds of inside jokes and secrets, and some of our favorite memories were made on the vacations we have taken together.
I remember one particular instance when we both did an extreme sport called Giant Swing in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. We jumped together from a height of 83 meters for which initially, I had almost given up. But she didn’t let me quit. Rather she made me do that, and I know that is something to keep me happy for the rest of my life. I can assure you that getting filthy rich cannot give you such kind of contentment that I got after jumping from that height. Thanks to her because of whom I mustered the courage to do that. This has strengthened our bond even more and has given an unforgettable story for a lifetime.
Reason #7- You can do anything (or nothing)
This is my favorite reason! We share the same pace of travelling. We both feel like doing the same things together at the same time. It’s not like that she wants to go for trekking and I want to enjoy a cup of coffee that exact time. We both exert together as well as do absolutely nothing together.
For instance, we spent a whole day lazing by the pool in Jaipur, Rajasthan. We didn’t have any agenda in mind. We didn’t feel like doing anything else that day, and I believe that it was the most productive thing ever.
Reason #8- Nobody knows you like your bestie
Me: I want to go and see Taj Mahal tomorrow.
She: Okay. From where will we get the bus for Agra?
On a random evening in November 2015, I casually told her that I want to see the majestic wonder tomorrow. Rather than saying "What??" or giving any second thoughts to my silly request, she showed complete interest. She knew how much that would mean to me.
It’s been a long time since we have known each other and despite knowing our shortcomings, we have chosen to be together. We have stuck together when other friendships in our life have come and go. We know each other to a great extent- our likes & dislikes, personalities, comfort level, and of course, what we like to do when we travel. When you are this much close to your travel companion, then it becomes easier to plan a vacation and enjoy it to the fullest.
Reason #9- Your BFF won’t drive you crazy like other friends
I love my friends a lot. They are a crucial part of my world. But, we all have been on those vacations where everyone wanted to do something different and as a result, there was a lot of dramatic outburst where the arguments happened over absolutely nothing. If you want to avoid such insanity that comes with lesser known friends, then travel with your best friend. Even if you are travelling in a big group in which you have taken your closest friend with you, then also you are saved.
I can remember one instance when we both were going to Bir Billing to do paragliding in a big group. Due to a few reasons, we got late to reach our camps. While everyone was irritated, restless and angry with our driver, my best friend and I were simply chilling and enjoying the lovely view of the place.
Reason #10- Your “Our Time” is limited
Life is uncertain. You don’t know what is going to happen next. My best friend is basically from Assam and she came to Delhi for her career. Thus, it is quite possible that she may has to leave from here if she gets a better job opportunity somewhere else. And then, she will have a different geographical location and time schedule. All that will most likely lead to no trips at all. Also, the future will bring a lot of responsibilities to both us which will make it quite a herculean task to travel even once together.
Because you are definitely going to get busier in the future, I would suggest you to take a trip together of any length whenever you get a chance. The memories of these journeys will give you immense joy when you haven’t seen one another in a long time or when you simply miss them.
Whether it was having a serious crush on a German guy (whose name we still can’t pronounce properly) in Shimla or enjoying a drink at the Chail Palace just to get that royal feel, those memories are ours to carry. There was nobody else to live those moments but her and I. No matter where the road may take us, we will always have each other to share our unending travel tales.
So if you get the chance to travel with your best buddy on any trip, even for a day, take it. Don’t be lazy, get up and let them know your willingness to travel with them!
Keep travelling :)
If this hasn’t inspired you enough, then you should check out my Instagram page strolling_shoes and follow my adventures around the world!
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