It has been 6 months I didn’t visit a single place from January. I have been waiting for the most amazing “Monsoon”… yeeeyyyy yesss ….my season has Arrived. I had listed few destinations to visit especially in monsoons. I read many things about Dandeli so I decided to explore this beauty.
Dandeli is situated in Uttara Kannada district in Karnatak and is approximately 57 kms from Dharwad. Dandeli is a beautiful place with the lush greenery of Western Ghats and River Kali adding to its beauty. And if you are a nature lover trust me its worth a place to be visited atleast once. Its a joy to eyes with its avid mixture of nature and adventure.
Reached to Hubli from Hyderabad by train and We started from Hubli around 10:30 am It was rainy day.

Our adventure started with the boarding of bus to Dharwad it will take 40 mns again we get in another bus from Dharawad to Dandeli. We used all local transports we didn’t hire any taxi reason to feel local culture and to know about the city’s. its only charge 80Rs pp (Hubli-Dandeli).

We managed to reach Dandeli around 1 pm. We had to take a jeep to the Bison River Resort which was approximately 25 kms from Dandeli. Where the activities conduct. En route we visited Supa Dam. The road journey was simply amazing, in the middle of the forest… its only one way small road and it was raining I had seen the full lush green forest.. Green Green Green every where…

Around 2 pm went for adventure activities. Actually River Rafting is the most exciting part but as there’s no much water flow they had stopped Rafting.. Hmm I missed the most Adventure activity… ok I will definitely visit again for this.. We did boating and kayaking, and Jacuzzi bath. Its took 2 hrs to complete that. We nature walked through the jungle to the back waters of River Kali. O man!!! It was a treat to the eyes...
We had booked cottages at River Edge Home Stay, after finished the water activities we travelled from Bison River Resort. On the way we had visited SUPA DAM Back Water.

Same day night they arranged camp fire beside the Kali River.. Loved the view from home stay. Early in the Morning it was pleasant and cool weather and charming kali river view from homestay, Spent sometime over there just watching that.

Around 9am went for jungle walk and had some fun with group. Back to stay in middle of walk coz of heavy rain, freshened up for the coracle ride scheduled in the noon.

Coracle is a small round shaped boat with a capacity of about 10 people. Coracle ride is basically for bird watching ( i mean the real flying birds..). Hornbills are the most sighted birds in Dandeli. We could sight hornbills,kingfisher and some other birds. It was more of a leisure ride.
It was time to bid goodbye to Dandeli. We started from Dandeli towards Dharwad at 2 pm.
Well..Well..thats my experience at Dandeli. Given a chance to visit Dandeli again, I would never miss it.It was a experience of a lifetime and i will always cherish it .