Graffiti, though quite common nowadays, came into existence from the ancient times. These are a way of artistic expression through spray paints and marker pens, previously described as scribbled wall paints. Not only street walls and poles but train cabins have become a big canvas for the artists too. Some of the graffiti convey political and social messages too which are considered illegal in some places. Street arts kind of speak for themselves as in "I am out here in the open and am meant for everyone to enjoy". ;)
The city Houston has it's share of graffiti art too. Apart from NASA, the big oil industries and traffic woes it also has it's art in display which exemplifies the vibrant talent of the city.
I have managed to click some pictures of the graffiti art of this city.
Here's a bit of it's street flavor.
This post was originally published on 'The Roy journal..'.