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Nan Lian Garden
📍 Nan Lian Garden, Hong KongView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:November to March when the weather is cooler.

⏰ Open Hours:7:00 AM to 9:00 PM daily

🏞 Things To Do:Explore the beautifully manicured gardens, visit the Chi Lin Nunnery, and enjoy a meal at the vegetarian restaurant.

💰 Entry Fees:Free of charge

👥 Traveller Types:Solo travelers, Families, Couples, Nature lovers, Photographers

🎗 Known For:The stunning Tang Dynasty-style architecture, the Lotus Pond, the Blue Pond, the Zi Wu Bridge, and the Chinese Timber Architecture Gallery.

🚉 Distances:About 1.5km from Diamond Hill MTR Station, approximately 41km from Hong Kong International Airport, and around 11km from Central Hong Kong.

🍴 Facilities:Restaurant, souvenir shop, tea house, wheelchair-friendly paths

📷 Photography:Allowed, but do not use tripods on busy days to avoid obstructing the paths.

👟 Accessibility:Easily accessible by public transportation, particularly the MTR.

🚫 Rules & Regulations:No pets allowed, do not pick the flowers or plants, no smoking.

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Nan Lian Garden: A Tranquil Oasis in the Heart of Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a vibrant and dynamic city that never sleeps. It is famous for its skyscrapers, shopping malls, nightlife, and cuisine. But did you know that there is a hidden gem in the city that transports you to a different world of peace and tranquility? A place where you can admire the beauty of nature, architecture, and art, and experience the ancient wisdom of Buddhism. That place is Nan Lian Garden, a classical Chinese garden that is one of the most stunning and relaxing attractions in Hong Kong.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Nan Lian Garden, including its history, culture, features, and attractions. We will also give you some useful tips and recommendations on how to make the most of your visit, and what else you can explore nearby. Whether you are a solo traveller, a couple, a family, or a group of friends, Nan Lian Garden is a must-see destination for anyone who wants to discover a different side of Hong Kong.

History and Culture

Nan Lian Garden was built in 2006 as a joint project between the Hong Kong government and the Chi Lin Nunnery, a Buddhist temple complex that is located opposite the garden. The garden and the nunnery are both designed in the classical Tang dynasty style, which is considered the golden age of Chinese culture and art. The garden and the nunnery are connected by a zigzag bridge that crosses a lotus pond, creating a harmonious and elegant landscape.

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The garden and the nunnery are built using traditional techniques and materials, such as wood, stone, clay, and metal. No nails or glue are used in the construction, only interlocking joints and wooden pegs. The garden and the nunnery are also carefully planned and arranged according to the principles of feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of geomancy that aims to create balance and harmony between humans and nature.

The garden and the nunnery reflect the Buddhist philosophy and values of harmony, balance, and tranquility. The garden is divided into different zones, each with its own theme and mood. The nunnery is a place of worship and meditation, where visitors can admire the exquisite wooden architecture and the statues of Buddha and bodhisattvas. The garden and the nunnery are not only beautiful, but also meaningful and educational, as they showcase the rich and diverse heritage of Chinese culture and Buddhism.

Features and Attractions

Nan Lian Garden covers an area of 3.5 hectares, and has more than 60,000 plants and trees. The garden is a masterpiece of landscape design, with hills, water features, rocks, and wooden structures that create a natural and organic scenery. The garden is also home to several cultural and artistic attractions, such as galleries, exhibitions, and performances. Here are some of the main features and attractions of Nan Lian Garden that you should not miss:

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The Pavilion of Absolute Perfection: This is the most iconic and eye-catching feature of the garden, a hexagonal pavilion that stands on a lotus pond. The pavilion is painted in bright yellow and green, contrasting with the blue sky and the green trees. The pavilion is connected to the Chi Lin Nunnery by a zigzag bridge, symbolizing the path to enlightenment. The pavilion is also a popular spot for taking photos and enjoying the views of the garden and the nunnery.

The Blue Pond: This is a large pond that reflects the sky and the surrounding trees and rocks. The pond is home to several species of fish, such as koi, carp, and goldfish. The pond is also decorated with water lilies, lotuses, and other aquatic plants. The pond is a serene and relaxing place, where you can watch the fish swim and the water ripple. The pond is also a good place to observe the changing colors and light of the sky and the water throughout the day.

The Rockery: This is a collection of gigantic rocks that are arranged to create a natural landscape. The rocks are imported from different regions of China, such as Fujian, Guangxi, and Jiangxi. The rocks have different shapes, colors, and textures, and some of them have names and stories behind them. The rocks are also strategically placed to create contrast and harmony with the plants and the water. The rockery is a fascinating and impressive display of nature’s art and beauty.

The Pine Garden: This is a garden that showcases various species of pine trees that are pruned and shaped into artistic forms. The pine trees are evergreen and resilient, and they represent longevity and vitality in Chinese culture. The pine garden is also a place of tranquility and meditation, where you can listen to the sound of the wind and the birds. The pine garden is especially beautiful in winter, when the pine trees are covered with snow and frost.

The Chinese Timber Architecture Gallery: This is a gallery that displays models and exhibits of ancient Chinese wooden buildings and structures. The gallery is housed in a wooden pavilion that is built in the same style as the garden and the nunnery. The gallery showcases the craftsmanship and ingenuity of the Chinese carpenters and architects, who created magnificent and complex structures without using any nails or glue. The gallery also explains the history, culture, and symbolism of the different types of buildings, such as temples, palaces, and bridges.

The Penjing Garden: This is a garden that displays miniature landscapes and bonsai trees. Penjing is a traditional Chinese art form that originated from the Tang dynasty, and it means “tray scenery”. Penjing is similar to bonsai, but it also incorporates rocks, water, and other elements to create a realistic and detailed scene. The penjing garden showcases the creativity and skill of the penjing artists, who can transform a small pot into a world of wonder and beauty.

Tips and Recommendations

Nan Lian Garden is a popular and well-maintained attraction that welcomes visitors from all over the world. However, to make your visit more enjoyable and memorable, here are some useful tips and recommendations that you should keep in mind:

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Nan Lian Garden is open daily from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, and the admission is free. Chi Lin Nunnery is open daily from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, and the admission is also free. However, some of the galleries and exhibitions in the garden and the nunnery may have different opening hours and fees, so check the official website for more details.

Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery are places of culture and spirituality, so please respect the rules and etiquette of the garden and the nunnery. Dress modestly and appropriately, avoid making loud noises or taking flash photos, and follow the instructions of the staff and the signs. Smoking, eating, drinking, and pets are not allowed in the garden and the nunnery.

The best time to visit Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery depends on your preference and schedule, but generally, the morning and the evening are the most pleasant and peaceful times, as the temperature is cooler and the crowd is smaller. The garden and the nunnery also have different charms and atmospheres at different times of the day, so you may want to visit more than once to experience them fully.

The best spots to take photos and enjoy the views of Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery are the Pavilion of Absolute Perfection, the Blue Pond, the Rockery, and the Pine Garden. However, there are many other scenic and photogenic spots in the garden and the nunnery, so feel free to explore and discover them for yourself. Just remember to be respectful and courteous to other visitors and the environment.

The nearby restaurants and cafes that offer vegetarian food and tea are the Chi Lin Vegetarian Restaurant, the Song Cha Xie Tea House, and the Long Men Lou Restaurant. These are all located within the garden or the nunnery, and they serve delicious and healthy dishes and drinks that are inspired by the Buddhist cuisine and culture. The restaurants and cafes also have beautiful and elegant settings that complement the garden and the nunnery. However, they may be quite busy and pricey, so you may want to make a reservation in advance or look for other options outside the garden and the nunnery.

The nearby attractions and activities that are worth exploring are the Diamond Hill Plaza, the Wong Tai Sin Temple, and the Nan Lian Garden Music Series. The Diamond Hill Plaza is a shopping mall that is located next to the garden and the nunnery, and it offers a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment options. The Wong Tai Sin Temple is a famous and colorful Taoist temple that is located a short walk or bus ride away from the garden and the nunnery, and it is known for its fortune-telling and healing services. The Nan Lian Garden Music Series is a series of concerts and performances that are held in the garden and the nunnery, featuring traditional Chinese music and instruments. The music series is usually held on weekends and public holidays, and the tickets are available online or at the venue.

Nan Lian Garden is a tranquil oasis in the heart of Hong Kong, a classical Chinese garden that offers a serene escape from the bustling city. Nan Lian Garden is not only a place of beauty, but also a place of history, culture, and significance. Nan Lian Garden is also connected to Chi Lin Nunnery, a Buddhist temple complex that is built in the same architectural style and reflects the same spiritual values. Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery are places where you can admire the beauty of nature, architecture, and art, and experience the ancient wisdom of Buddhism.

Nan Lian Garden has many features and attractions that will captivate and delight you, such as the Pavilion of Absolute Perfection, the Blue Pond, the Rockery, the Pine Garden, the Chinese Timber Architecture Gallery, and the Penjing Garden. Nan Lian Garden also has some useful tips and recommendations that will help you plan your visit, such as the opening hours, the entry fee, the dress code, the best time to visit, the best spots to take photos, the nearby restaurants and cafes, and the nearby attractions and activities.

Nan Lian Garden is a must-see destination for anyone who wants to discover a different side of Hong Kong, a side that is serene, elegant, and meaningful. Nan Lian Garden is a tranquil oasis in the heart of Hong Kong, a classical Chinese garden that offers a serene escape from the bustling city. If you are looking for a place to relax, recharge, and learn, Nan Lian Garden is the perfect place for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery today and experience the beauty and tranquility of the classical Chinese garden. You will not regret it.

Nan Lian Garden Reviews

After a continental breakfast, we headed to Nan Lian Garden & Chi Lin Nunnery.This garden adorned with antique timber structures and beautifully landscaped with trees, rocks and water features that offers a rich variety of photo opportunities to photo lovers. Nan Lian Garden is only 3-minute walk away from Diamond Hill MTR station exit C2, making it a perfect place to spend the day. The architectures inside Nan Lian Garden are uniquely styled in detail. There are a lot of greenery here with beautiful skyscrapers and mountains in the backdrop. The temple complex also doubles as a museum showcasing rock formations. How to reach - MTR station Diamond Hill & follow the sign boards.
Photos of Nan Lian Garden
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