Pangi is a tehsil of Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, India. The remote, rugged, and poorly developed Pangi valley is divided into three sub-valleys the Saichu, Hudan, and Sural valleys.
The valley is mostly inhabited by Hindu and Buddhist people here Hindus are mostly speaking in Pangwala language. On the other hand, Buddhists are speaking in Bhoti language. Here the villages are divided into two regions. The lower altitude region is inhabited by the Hindi people and the higher altitude area (called Bhatori) is inhabited by the Buddhist people. For example, the village Sural has a majority Hindu population which is also situated at a lower altitude. Comparatively, the village Sural Bhatori (approx. 10000 ft above MSL) comprising of the Buddhist population is at a higher altitude from here one can see the ice-capped Mt Shivsankha peak.
#sural #suralbhatori #suralvalley #bhoot
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