Kangra district is the most traverse place in himachal pradesh every distance of 1km ahead there are beautiful sites of mountains and the glacier feeb bhadal and tantgiri river dharamshala is the administrative headquater under the government of punjab
Places like mcleod Ganj , Dharamshala , dharamcourt , triund and bhagsu etc. These are the most steped on places by tourists and trippers in the mid of the year probably off seasons is better to save money at same point of time cause home stay and hotels you will get cheaper but in end of the year and starting of the year these mountains will amaze you for sure ‘ again because its in vibe all the time .
Tourists and trippers carry the vibe of bhuddhisim for better inverting with atmosphere . Trekking between the mountains , Paragliding and camping will push you to fall over happiness build up memories .
Please visit travel turned me on in my life .