The heart called, the mountains echoed and yet again there was some kind of need to pause the regular cubicle life. It was like mountains are calling and I must go. So one day sitting in the cubicle the idea of trekking hit my mind. Though I had done some treks before with YHAI but they were bit crowded and also to the vey hyped places. So I started searching for some isolated places and ended up with Prashar lake trek in Himachal Pradesh.
I briefed about the trek to my friends and they readily agreed about it. We only have a weekend to complete the trek, so we were looking for a short trek with one night camping at the summit and Prashar lake trek was perfect for this kind of situation. We contacted IndiaHikes for the trek and booked the slots as we have no idea about the routes and weather conditions over there. Also the batch was of about maximum fifteen persons and which is very less compared to YHAI (50 persons). We booked our Volvos and reached Mandi from Delhi on 23rd Jan in the morning. From there we went to Baggi village by local conveyance and started our trek around 10:00 am in the morning. The trek was moderately easy and having an astonishing scenic beauty throughout the trek. We took the rest and had our lunch in the middle of nowhere.
Some patch was along the river, then some moderate trek on snow and we reached the Prashar Lake around 4:30 pm. The views we got were so ecstatic that we got spellbound. The place was so isolated that at some point of time I got the feeling as if I am in another state of mind. We were four friends scattered around the plains of Prashar, sitting facing the Himalayas and the feeling was awesome. It was like meditating and unifying the mind with the soul. In the evening we got the magnificent view of sunset with full moon simultaneously in opposite directions which I’ll never forget. IndiaHikes arranged the camps and gave us the sleeping bags to spend the night up there. The temperature was around -8 or -10°C and it was freezing cold. Our water bottles in the bag got froze and we were shivering inside the sleeping bags but it was all in all exuberant. Next day in the morning we visited the sage Prashar temple and the aroma of the temple was very calm and serene.
We had our breakfast and started descending the mountain, reached the base camp around 4:00 pm and headed to Manali next day after spending the night in Mandi. We visited some temples and monastery in Manali next day. Boarded the bus from there and returned to Delhi. It is true that each peak ascended teaches something whether it is patience, inner peace or a kind of help to find some answers about life. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of autumn.
Keep close to nature’s heart, wash your spirit clean.