Hey guys! This is the second of three parts of my Blog about my Leh trip.
Read the previous one here if you haven’t: https://www.tripoto.com/trip/the-leh-chronicles-part-1-of-3-5b8cfda63b431
Now day 3 was the most awaited day of the trip for me, because it was time to visit the Pangong Tso lake! :D
The lake is situated around 225 km from Leh, and take around 5-6 good hours to reach there.
On the way itself, one comes across breathtaking sceneries!
This one was a yak rearing farm on our way.
One thing I noticed in Leh, and a lot of other typical mountainous places, is that the people there are cute not only when they're young, but also when they're old!
So was the case with this lady, who was one of the yak rearers at the farm.
On our way to Pangong, we came across a colony of these rodents, called Marmot.
These are basically large squirrels, and very clever too.
They're so used to people stopping by, they actually pose for you when approach them.
You approach one, and five others will come out of their burrows to see what's happening.
But yeah, don't get too close, since they are a little defensive too.
After coming up many such beautiful sceneries, we were finally, almost there.
See that mini patch of water? That's the beginning of the lake.
Also, I like to believe that the 'W' shaped road was actually a 'Welcome' sign!
And here it is, the first picture of Pangong lake.
It is stunning. Beautiful. And like I say, 'It was bluer than the bluest blue'.
Also, this is the least pretty picture of that place, believe me!
On the quest for something greener.
One thing that really struck me about this place was that despite being such a popular tourist spot, it was so damn clean, unlike a lot of other tourist spots in India.
No stray wrappers, no empty bottles, just clear water, vast lands and people.
With this, I'll mark the end of Pangong visit, although I have more pictures of it.
One thing about Pangong I'd like to mention is that even though it's beautiful on another level, the journey to it is quite the opposite. Almost 6 hours of bad roads, less oxygen and you being thrown around in the seat of your car. But in the end it's almost worth it.