So it was our first day and we had arrived at Shimla at 10pm and it was around 17 degrees, I was enjoying the cool weather as it was burning in the plains , with the temperature reaching as high as 47 . I went to the mall road for dinner and since it was already 10 most of the things were closed.

The next day I had to wake up at 5 to catch the bus to Janglik, which took almost 10 hours to reach there , now this Himalayan Village Janglik is in the famous Kinnaur District and I guess now I don't need to describe how the roads and the views were(Places at which you can stop by in between - Theog , Rohru). We reached Janglik at about 5:30 in the evening.
All the huts in Janglik are based on the famous and traditional Kath-Kuni architecture , this is an old himachali architectural style, all the wooden huts with black top tiles and the beautiful nature boasting it's green color gave an amazing picture, serene is the perfect word!

As usual on every trek we have a small briefing session , either after the dinner or before it, believe me try to enjoy your base camp as much as you can because you just don't know what would happen after that :p.

The next day we had to wake up by 7 and get ready with breakfast done by 8. With a talk about how the route is going to be we started off towards are next camp which was in Dayara Bugyal , the elevation was no too much except for few patches which has a greater elevation , there were one or two spots which had open grounds , with warm sunlight and a mountain right opposite to us which looked amazing beautiful partially covered in snow and sunrays falling upon it's edges made the look heavenly.
After two breaks at such beautiful places we reached the campsite which had an open ground even bigger than a cricket stadium's ground , we reached the campsite in the noon , although I don't remember the exact time . We then had a little stretching session after which we played a little volleyball and ate lunch .
As always i wanted to explore the campsite so I wandered here and there for a while in search of a few good shots or a time lapse if I could get one , not me but my friend fortunately got an amazing time-lapse of the whole scene.

So the first night in the wilderness came and everyone was excited , on every trek the dinner night is amazing because you get to eat your dinner with so many people and after the dinner we have a lot of interactive games , which can go on for the whole night but everyone needs energy and therefore sleep you know .
There is a thing with these treks , you don't have a mobile phone or any other powered source , the only entertainment you have is the clear sky , open grounds, warm tents and a lot of amazing people, obviously you tend to interact with the people and this brings out an entirely new person from you .
The third day of the trek , we had to gain more elevation on this day , and our next campsite was in Litham ,this place is out of the world beautiful , even if I describe it in detail you would have to see it with your own eyes to grab the beauty of it , the beauty of what this amazing world , this nature has to offer! A river flowing by the side of your campsite and then a valley full of snow and the snow peaks adding to the perfectness of the already perfect landscape.

In Litham we had to stay for two days now , on the fourth day of our trek i.e. the second day in Litham we had an acclimatization walk or excursion up to the Chandranahan Lake which is at a height of 13500 ft approx. This place had it's own vibe, just like the "winter is coming" kind of vibe and yeah being so tired i felt like a white walker. The fun part was the we made that place a playground , we started glicading here and there .
Now for those who don't know what glicading is , it is sliding in the snow , it makes decent a little easier and faster. Chandranahan is a lake which actually remains frozen for most part of the year . But whatever it is this place is a beautiful valley and you are actually walking between two parallel mountain ranges.

Here comes the Fifth day and we had to leave the best campsite in the Himalayas for a very boring campsite which was put above 50 feet of snow. Snow is something you can only like in the pictures you know.
There is nothing special about Dhundi , it was about the breifing session of that day , we were given gators and crampons which wasn't new , but there was something special and it was the rappelling belts which was kind of surprising , although I knew we had a rappelling thing but i hadn't expected it to be such a huge one , it was like a straight 90 degree wall which was around 100 feet high.
Having done our lunch and then the dinner we had wrapped up the day by 8pm in the evening , yeah if you have some experience in the high altitude , you know how the day before the final climb is. It is certainly the most serious one , you feel tensed and anxious plus everything looks so serious , and the worst part is waking up at 2-3 am in the morning in the sub-zero temperatures and getting ready.The struggle is real bro! but no matter how much you hate the day , you will enjoy the day after , i mean it will feel like the best day in your life , believe me!
So came the big day , the pass climb , we started at 3 am in the morning , it was chilly , by chilly I mean , so chilly that the water in my bottle got frozen . We kept climbing up in the dark in an order and no one was allowed to overtake the other person , for obvious reasons .
It was 5:30 in the morning and we are still climbing , step step step breathe was the pattern which kept our eyes open , kept us alive. Just keep talking to someone and chew that trail mix which you have been given , it helps a lot to keep your mind distracted .You do need to focus on patterned breathing .
By 9 or 10 am (i don't know the exact time) we reached the pass , the winds were strong . By the time I reached the pass , half of the team had already rappled down , I was the last one to hit the bottom , and finally I am happy that there is no more climbing on steep inclinations, you know what happens next? The mountain laughs at you ! Why ? The descents are a lot tougher and it is a fact you know!
Although the descents are tough , this trek has a lot of glicading sessions , we glicaded down through most part of our descent covering large patches with high speed in a go ! Placing our raincoats or ponchos like Alladin's flying carpets and ready for a ride down . It was super thrilling ! After the rappelling part we were so relaxed and care free that , what could have been covered in 2-3 hours , took almost 5 hours and we reached the final camp by 3-4 pm.
The last day was from the river campsite to Burua and we just went and sat directly into our jeeps! The next stop was at some restaurant which had good chicken and beer and a big smile on everyone's face. Yeah , back to civilization. By mid-night we reached Shimla and took a bus directly to Delhi ,this was the night day and the commencement of an amazing trek with great memories and new people who were not new anymore!

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Thankyou !