We all know tourism as a leisure or recreational activity but there is more to it. Traveling is also about planning your budget, spending time in odd situations, meeting strangers and my favourite, hitchhiking. All of these things seem 'not as per society terms' but in my opinion, they form the essence of travelling. On my travels, I have done every bit on my part to go off the terms designed by society.

Having that bug of traveling and learning new possible ways to travel for free was always my type and the internet taught me how to do it. I packed my bags and was off to my first ever hitchhiking journey from Chandigarh to Manali.

That very first thumb raise to get hitched, that very first car stop and that very first NO by the driver and that every minute I spent on road, everything was just boosting my confidence and the excitement to get a lift was insane. From every 10 vehicles, 1 stopped and finally ladies and gentlemen, Oh NO, I had to take a rickshaw to the highway paying him thirty rupees.
Finally, the first ever lift I got was in a loading vehicle and the thrill almost had my cap flew away. Covering the distance I started falling in love with this way of traveling.

By the time I reached somewhere near the border of Himachal Pradesh by taking multiple lifts, it was dark already.
The journey till evening was fabulous, everything happened on its own but with the darkness, the possibilities of getting a lift reduced and I had to walk to find the next Dhaba for food and transport.
Managing my strength I made it and got a lift, again in a loading vehicle till Mandi. I will surely narrate the experience of sleeping at the back of tempo in some other post. By morning, I somehow made it to Kullu.
The cold breeze took away all the fatigue from the night before and I started clicking pictures around with beautiful views of mountains. The experience till Kullu was like a dream and I managed it without spending a single rupee. Likewise, I managed to get another lift directly till Manali.

With my first hitchhiking experience, I learnt that there are good people out there who will help you without expecting anything in return and traveling like this, you'll get to meet new minds and thoughts which society call strangers. So it's on you to gather the strength to do something different but be safe at the same time!

Do you have any such unique travel experiences? Let me know in the comments below!