Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

Being a staunch mountain lover, I keep looking for my next adventure on the hills. While I've known and always been fascinated by places like Spiti and Lahaul, they seemed like a distant dream. Something so beautiful yet too far, unreachable at the moment. October 2022 changed that for me. While looking for places to travel in October, I stumbled upon the idea of going on one of my dream trips - a solo expedition to Spiti.

From being skeptical of the weather and going alone on such a long trip to experiencing the best of fall colours and cherishing my own company, here's how Spiti made me feel things I never thought of and have experiences beyond my imagination.

The world beyond the tunnel

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

With a group of strangers, I started my journey from Manali. Ever since I got to know about it, crossing the Atal Tunnel became my next milestone in my travels across the Himalayas. As you cross the tunnel, there comes a feeling of remoteness from the rest of the world. The landscape changes from the usual green mountains to snow-clad brown ones with rocky terrains and crystal blue sky. I never saw something like this and in that very moment I knew, that the world beyond the tunnel is different, and so will be Spiti.

The view after crossing the tunnel, on our way to Chandratal lake.

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

Locals who make the experience smooth for travellers

What keeps a place so remote and distant like Spiti accessible to travellers are its people. From constructing roads at hilly terrains to running small cafes and homestays, they try and make your journey as comfortable as it can get in a cold desert. The famous Chacha Chachi dhabha at Batal is run by an old couple which is an unmissable stop for anyone going to Spiti. Along with serving delicious, home-like food at a desolate place, this couple is also known for rescuing and giving shelter to travellers hit by the unforgiving force of nature.

They were too shy to pose for a picture!

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

Our homestay hosts at Tabo, are one of the warmest people I've come across. They sure charge you for their services offered but it's nothing like ordinary business. The warmth these locals give you, add to your overall experience. Because they live a life so different and difficult yet never fail to greet you with a smile. There are so many other locals we crossed on our way who were kind enough to help us in small ways. From seeing local kids playing to women doing regular chores, people of the mountains make you feel grateful for all the comforts you have and these people are as beautiful as their homeland, inside out.

A little monk playing cricket at Tabo Monastery

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

A woman sitting at her beautiful home in old Manali. Don't forget to take permission before taking pictures of locals.

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

Finding unreal spots on the way

The beauty of Spiti Valley is unparalleled. We went on the most scenic, fascinating drives with different terrains and topography every day. On our way to the well known spots of the valley, we stopped at places which had no name and those are the places I think about most profoundly. We felt like stopping at every turn and alleys of the road but only if we could.

An otherworldly landscape we saw on our way from Losar to Chicham bridge.

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

The best part is that these landscapes keep changing as you move from one region to another. Each of them being spectacular in their own ways. From driving through these barren mountains to crossing the Khab Sangam where we drove along the Spiti river on our right, I witnessed different shades of nature, all in their pristine forms.

The Gateway of Kinnaur.

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

A random spot on our way to Chandratal lake.

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

I could not help but wonder where do these hundreds of paths not taken lead to. The journey of true exploration is beyond people and places. It's about how far your quest can lead you and perhaps that is why the journey is the real deal!

Experiencing a culture so pure and tranquil

From exploring the ancient Tibetan monasteries to getting a glimpse of the life the monks live there, I understood why this place smells of peace and tranquility. The simplicity with which people live their life and carry out their day-to-day tasks speaks volume about their culture which is mostly influenced by Tibetan Buddhism. There's a lot to learn from the culture of Spiti and Lahaul but the catch is that it can only be experienced not taught.

The Langza Buddha Statue.

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

Key Monastery, the largest monastery in Spiti with the most spectacular view.

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

Night drives

Night drives in Spiti were magical. Driving beneath the starlit sky surrounded by snow-clad mountains was an experience in itself. The most calming time of the trip was watching the stars and chasing the moon as we drove to our next destination, to which the sound of the flowing river was the icing on the cake.

Awe-inspiring night sky on our way from Kaza to Tabo

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

An amateur attempt at capturing the moon as we drove.

Photo of Spiti : Journey to a Distant Land That Will Bring You Closer to Yourself by Shruti Singh

Watching the moon amidst the mountains, in a land so disconnected from the world, on my own, felt so unreal and I was so grateful for it every moment. The moon has always been soothing but that day it reminded me how beautiful and vast the world. While I was beyond grateful, I was also inspired to watch the moon from as many places I could. This is what travel does to you. You live in the moment, cherish it while you think about your next adventure.

Spiti truly is a place that will make you wonder the lengths of the world we live in. For me it was a journey of self exploration with views and experiences that are safely placed in my mind and heart for years to come.

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All images are owned by the writer.