The roads are connected at the foothills of this pass from Devikothi, Chamba and Mindhal, Pangi Valley side. Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) is plying the bus service to Devikothi from Chamba ISBT and in Pangi Valley, there is also the bus service of HRTC to Mindhal from Killar, the headquarter of the Pangi Valley. Apart from these options, over the year, the local taxi operators have also grown and would give you taxi service and will charge an amount of rupees 2500/- from Chamba or Killar.

This Pass is being used by the inhabitants of Saichu Valley/Pangi valley, which connects the Pangi Valley to Chamba. It is considered as one of the difficult passes of the Pangi Valley. Hence, while crossing it, you may prefer a local guide from village Devikothi, Bairagarh or from Killar/Mindhal, who are known to this terrain. The ascending is arduous and requires stamina and so as descending. You will find thinner air at the top while ascending it. However, the landscape is mesmerizing and unique. You will encounter with snowy peaks, various water crossings and dense forest.