Note: This post has links to short footages, most of the pictures were lost.
Schedules? Next?
Well, its day 4 and here we are witnessing one, among many beautiful sights with our motorcycle onlooking at the ever mysterious, ever glorious, elders of the past staring right back at you and making you realise how irrelevant and minimally contributing you are among the multi trillion strong decays and fossils, to be one amongst them in a miniscule matter of a couple of decades.
So, we were sliding through the rough mucky patch of 'there was once a road' through a tiny settlement Shego, a few kms short of "KAZA" just then, we feel the chills, similar to that of "NAKO" only much colder.
This was it, the most unexpected;least anticipated (locals said) and the heaviest snowfall of the season had just begun (continued for two days)
Link to the first bit of snow
We found a spot to park our motorcycle in a complex and lucky enough, we also found a very welcoming group of individuals/locals who fixed breakfast for us.
Link to the Snow buildup and the complex
After the well deserved energy build up, our next task for the day was to set ourselves up in a place that was warm, a cosy little homestay a few blocks from the lake was precisely the place we were looking for.

Link to the homestay
The night went by trying to get warm under the icy cold quilts as there was no electricity and the only means to keep us warm that night was a flask (which surprisingly kept the water hot until morning) the snow kept pace and pouring its love on the valley.
The next morning came early for us, it was dark and we could not help but change into the damp warm clothes from yesterday's snowfall and get ourselves in the open to witness the most amazing views of a lifetime.
The first view / walk next morning to where the motorcycle was parked.

After scrapping of the snow off the motorcycle and a cup of Chai, we went back to the homestay to pack our gear and came straight to the complex, while we were loading the motorcycle with the saddle ups and waiting for our breakfast and in conversation with the locals (after they learnt of our unsafe travel plans for the day) they were in denial of our departure further up "KAZA" to "HIKKIM". We were suggested to not be stupid and take the risk as the roads would be immensely dangerous for two wheels to build up enough traction over the slippery muck.
Well, neither did we pay attention nor did we listen and headed straight to the
"Highest gas station in the world"

Our, next stop was "key Monastery"

Well, after a short visit to the shrine, a couple of selfies later, and testing the unfavorable road conditions we decided to keep riding. we were now to head straight to the village of "HIKKIM"
Just a couple of kilometers from our stop at the monastery the snowfall became unbearable, footage below.

Nevertheless, neither the cold, nor the snow could keep our undying determination, for reaching the "world's highest post office". The determination though seemed to ditter a bit when we came to realise riding under the heavy climatic conditions, risking every second of life that we had left in us and being frozen to the bone, head to toe with minimal sight and continuous whiplashing (as it felt) of the snow we had unknowingly detoured to one of the "world's highest village" "Langza"
Not a moment (once in the vicinity of the magnificent snow laden plateau) went by where we could calm our flaming souls in appreciation of the beautiful surreal experience bestowed upon us.

By now we had realised that it's really unfair to mess with nature and thus, we took a U-turn.
Though this was the end of day 5s' adventures we returned to our quarters in anticipation of coming back and we did, follow up on our journey day 6 onwards.
Schedules? next? coming up.