The Power of Traveling Solo :Life Through Aby's Lens
Traveling alone gives you the chance to indulge in yourself fully. People who have never traveled alone often describe their first solo trip as a religious experience.
I traveled alone, explored the part of the country, and found some incredible places. I learned a lot by witnessing beauty in the diversity of the planet and took home some wonderful memories and lessons. I wanted to share an excerpt, as part of this blog from my Himachal Pradesh trip.

Traveling alone takes courage. It takes confidence in yourself and a trust in the nature of the journey which can be unpredictable. I remember the feeling when I saw new cultures and different ways of living. The five days trip in Himachal Pradesh helped me realize that the world is immensely larger than I had ever dreamed.
Of course, traveling single has its flaws too - such as safety concerns, loneliness and a big question- Who will take my Photos? But a little preparation and common sense can save you money and get you through.
Solo travel can be the ultimate in self-indulgence; you can rest when you want and pour it on when you're feeling ambitious.

You make your own mistakes, and your triumphs are more exciting. There's no worrying that your insistence on trekking all the way across town to a museum that was closed ruined your partner's day; it's your own day to salvage or chalk up to a learning experience.
Also, you can do exactly what you want to do - all the time. Always wanted to try Trekking? Just go for it; there's no one to restrict you or scare you up with the tragic possibilities.
Now that you have made your mind to Travel Solo, Let's keep these things noted-
Travelling solo has its perks but safety is first. Traveling without a partner or friend to watch your back can lead you towards criminals and other mishappenings, as well as simple health issues. Now as you are traveling solo, you have to manage everything on your own. You can't afford to miss out anything.
Keep in your mind these few tips if you are finally convinced for a solo trip-
Be informed of how long it takes and how much it costs to get from the airport to your hotel or to the city center. ·Ask the Cab driver how much it will cost before you leave, Solo traveler is often taken for a ride ·Find out if hotel's check in timings, so you don't end up sleeping in your car ·Carry your identification and put them in more than one place. ·Always travel around open and public places, especially at night. ·Always show the confidence of a local and walk that way. ·Avoid appearing like a tourist. ·Don't dare to draw attention by wearing flashy clothes or jewelry. ·Lie a little when asking directions, don't let anyone know that you are alone: "How far is the museum? I have to meet a friend." ·Check your maps and transportation schedules before leaving your hotel/train/rental car/tourist office. Trust everyone and no one
What Solo Travel Teaches You-
Deciding to travel alone can feel queer, but here's what you can learn if you take the chance.

I still wonder as to why I started traveling solo. I didn't want to go alone, but yes, none of my friends had the time or money to go with me. So, my traveling insects were over me and I packed my bag.
I discovered that I had to travel solo if I wanted to travel at all and very quickly learned to love it. Travelling Solo has huge freedom: I mean you are in charge of your own decisions, and being in charge of your own travel budget. That sounds so Bossy.. isn't it?
I've my own independence, and I've even learned to love loneliness. And I'm not alone.
So, if you haven't tried traveling by yourself yet, you should. As a little encouragement, here are things traveling solo has taught me.
Travelling Solo will teach you How to make Friends. You will meet people on your journey. Traveling alone teaches us to manage things out of our comfort zones thereby making us more receptive to new people and experiences. You'll have some interesting conversations with people you'll never speak to again, which is completely fine. Some people can remain in your memories. I've made some of my best and longest-lasting friendships on my solo trips.
In these years of traveling solo, I can count the experiences on one hand. My travels have taught me that majority of people want to help, rather than harm. But things can happen. Just by taking a few precautions, you can be in a better position to handle a situation if it comes up.
My biggest solo trip turned out to be my best trip. In 2017, I traveled to the districts of Himachal Pradesh. I met with an amazing experience in that God's Land (Dev Bhoomi). I wouldn't have been able to remember it if I hadn't traveled solo.

Traveling by myself has taught me things I couldn't have learned anywhere else. I learned how I like to spend my time, self-reliance, and I learned that I could go anywhere and do anything. And no one can take that Experience, knowledge, and independence from me. It's my freedom.
The only way to try traveling solo is to book a ticket. Just go. You'll be glad you did.
Now, it's your time to spread your wings and fly like a Solo Traveler!
We might meet on the path sometime soon.
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