This is a place for you to get out of stupid noises and running life. A place for you to spend a time with your loved ones.
This place is about 82 km from Mandi, Hiamchal pradesh.you can visit by bus or by cab or by car(self driven). For travelling through bus you can take bus to Aani or Rampur. If you are driving self then you need to travel on to kullu road and as you reach Aut tunnel you need to take Right hand turn, from aut it's about 45km . You can park your vehicles on the jalori pass by road . From here you can get option for staying at camps . The best time to go according to me is after monsoons and before winters I.e end of September and October. You can stay in the camps and enjoy the cold weather, clear skies. The beauty of nature is awesome.

Next day after waking up you can plan to visit the nearby temple I. e Mata Budhi Nagin and lake known as Seryolsar lake which is famous for an old saying that there is a bird which keeps the lake clean by picking leaves and other things from the lake. It's a walking track which took about 2 hours . You can enjoy the beauty of nature on the way. Have cup of tea or maggi on the way. After you reach the lake and visiting the temple you can spend time. Have lunch and again travel back to your camps. ( Its a request if you visit any place dont take plastic thing along with you, not even plastic bottles, candies ) As it's a saying we humans dont respect the things which are avlaible to us and in search of new we destroy the avlaible one. After reaching your camps you can take rest and at evening you can enjoy the means you want. We enjoyed by cooking the chicken on the fire.

After spending so much good time , heart wants to stay busy mind says you need to go back as have to join back for the routine. Was an amazing trip which I remember. Hope you visit and remember.