Dharamshala : The Tourist Circuit



10:30 am – Tsug-la Khang Complex, home to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

12:30 pm – Himachal Pradesh Cricket Stadium

1:30 pm – Lunch @ Norbulingka Cafe

2:00 pm – The Norbulingka Institute

4:00 pm – The Temple of Gyuto Tantric University

5:00 pm – Shopping at Mall Road, McLeod Ganj

6:30 pm – Dinner at Jimmy’s Italian Kitchen, McLeod Ganj

Tsug-la Khang Complex

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Tsug-la Khang Complex, Home of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Our day in Dharamshala began with the visit to the abode of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama at Theckchen Choeling, also called the Tsug-la Khang. Here we covered the Tibetan Museum, Dalai Lama temple or the Tsug-la Khang temple and the Kalachakra temple all located in the complex. The post titled "On the Tibetan trail in Dharamshala" has the details.

Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium

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HPCA Stadium

There is an entrance fee of Rs. 20/- per person to enter the stadium. It is well maintained, but not a popular pitch due to the unpredictable weather conditions. The dark clouds in the photos are indicative of the rains that soon followed. An umbrella is a blessing to have at this moment, else by the time you reach the taxi, you will be wet through or will have to wait it out at the stadium.

Norbulingka Institute

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At the Norbulingka Institute

It’s an institute showcasing the Tibetan art and crafts. We entered the institute in pouring rain and hungry. There is an entrance fee of Rs 45/- per person. We head straight to the cafe for some lunch.

Norbulingka Cafe

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Norbulingka Cafe

There is also a restaurant in the premises for more filling grub. At the Norbulingka Cafe, we tried the Chicken pizza, Chocolate tart and tea. Food was good and we enjoyed the hot tea watching the rain….

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Chicken pizza
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Chocolate tart
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The rain petered out after half an hour and we made our way to the Institute. We first wandered into the Norling House, stepped out as soon as we entered, realising that it’s a hotel, if you wish to stay and explore Norbulingka. There are workshops held here, if you want to get hands on.

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Tibetan Crafts showcased at Norbulingka

We then ventured into the wood carving section, painting section and so on. We were silent observers, watching the craftsmen were busy with their work and they took the tourist curiosity in their stride. There are guided tours available.

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Craftsman at work in the wood painting section

There is a store in the Institute, all these handicrafts are on sale there. What did we buy…? Fridge magnets as souvenirs :-)

Temple inside the Norbulingka Institute

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Inside the temple in the Norbulingka Institute

Called the Deden Tsug-lag Khang, it is presided by a 14 ft statue of Buddha Shakyamuni. There is also an art gallery on the upper floor.

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Prayer flags outside the temple situated in the Norbulingka complex

Losel Doll Museum

Situated inside the Norbulingka Institute, a charming place which brings to life the erstwhile life of the Tibetans.

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Coracle – vessel made of skin stretched over a wooden frame

The dolls are dressed beautifully with all the intricate details and are depicted as enacting a scene. Each display is elaborately explained and it’s a pleasure to read through. You can spend a lot of time here….

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Costumes worn by the people of Ngari in Tibet. Behind is the Mount Kailash, the most celebrated mountain in Tibet.

The Temple of Gyuto Tantric University

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The Temple of Gyuto Tantric University

A class just got over as we reached the monastery. Set with the background of the distant Dhauladhar peaks. It’s a majestic monastery.

Shopping @ Mall Road, McLeod Ganj

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The Handmade Recycled Diary shop on the Mall road

Our last stop for the day. Everyone has a favourite shop. Mine was the Hand Made Recycled Diary shop. A tiny cubicle with a very colourful display of notebooks. I picked three. A hour or more can easily be spent strolling along the narrow roads with plenty of collectables on sale – Thangka paintings, jewellery, handicrafts, artifacts etc.

Jimmy’s Italian Cafe

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The view from our seat at Jimmy’s Italian Kitchen

It’s located right next to Nick’s Italian Kitchen. But unlike latter is a non-veg restaurant. We sat by an open window with a beautiful view of the distant deodar slopes. The food was good but the presentation was not photograph worthy…..so skipped the pictures of the food.

Back to the hotel. What we missed out on this trip was the Kangra Fort and the Masrur rock-cut temples. Will keep for the next time.

Hope you enjoyed the travelogue and if you wish to see more photos, please click on the link www.milesandsmiles.net.in

Happy travelling,
