Why Should Boys Have all The Fun? Get Your Grey-Cells Working at this All-Women Retreat in Finland!


Women-only spaces are often hailed for being liberating because they remain untainted by oppressive gender politics. In such safe spaces, creative and intellectual pursuits by women are known to flourish. For all those women who want to experience something this empowering, I've got some exciting news for you! An island called SuperShe is witnessing an all-women wellness retreat that aims to bring women together from the world over to share business ideas in June 2018. With travel and empowerment amalgamated so beautifully, the enrollment queue for this retreat is sure to be long. So read on , share with your girl-gang and register yourselves now!

Ideal For:

For all women entrepreneurs who're looking for a unique exposure into the world of business, this retreat is the perfect opportunity to learn from like-minded women. Moreover, SuperShe island, home to this retreat, is a dreamy, picturesque location to get your grey-cells working.

More About SuperShe:

The SuperShe island retreat is an initiative by Roth, who was featured #8 in women-owned businesses in Forbes 2016. Roth is well-known all around the world for hosting all-women retreats in places like Hawaii and Philippines. The idea of all her retreats is to create a safe space for women where they can get creative with their ideas and empower themselves to work on self-sustained business initiatives.

This intellectual space is enhanced with luxurious experiences like cabins surrounded with forests and the ocean alike. The retreat will be mentored by Roth herself, who goes on to add value to the programme with yoga sessions, healthy vegan meals and entertainment programmes along with inspiring entrepreneurs from all over the world. It is truly a retreat that will replenish you mind, body and soul to give a wholesome wellness experience.

Below are pictures from previous retreats that have been hosted by Roth. I'm sure these pictures are enough to get you motivated to enroll for SuperShe retreat this June.

How To Apply:

An entry into the retreat is not so easy because you need to apply for exclusive membership on their website here. All you've got to do is fill up a form and create a video on why you're excited about the retreat! Keep an eye on their website for more announcements about the retreat.

Watch the video for SuperShe island retreat here to know more about it.


SuperShe island is located in Finland, around 90 mins from Helsinki Aiport in Helsinki. Details on the package and transfers will be released soon on their website. You can look this up here.

So if being surrounded in a pristine coastal environment with inspiring women sans men and tension. is your idea of bliss, then head to SuperShe and register yourself for the experience of a lifetime.

Know of more such initiatives that combine travel and work? Share your story with us on Tripoto!