Always been a coffee aficionado and can't survive without it wherever you go? Don't you worry! Here are some of the simple tips and tricks; a guide to order your favorite cuppa happiness whilst you travel abroad...

Ditch your regular Americano for a while, how will you order a coffee in Italy?
Don't stress, ordering your coffee in Italy is a cake walk! Surprisingly, when you order a normal coffee, it's your regular espresso. Espresso is served on a saucer with a small spoon. Often you will also also have a complimentary chocolate/biscuit. At times, you are given a glass of water. Some Italians believe it is to cleanse your palate before drinking the coffee and others believe it is for afterwards to refresh you. Just make sure you are ordering "un caffè" meaning espresso in Italian.
How to order? ( pronunciation) - “Un caffè per favore” (un-kaf-ay-per-fav-or-ay)
Consuming about 12 kilos of coffee per annum per person? No wonder they ground their beans themselves! Finland no doubt has earned the impressive accolade of the biggest coffee drinkers in the world. A great opportunity for all the travelers who are ardent coffee drinkers too- a shop at every nook and corner! Hunaja Cafe in Helsinki serves organically grown coffee and a delicious range of Vegan dishes.
How to order? ( pronunciation)- Yksi vahva ja musta kahvi kiitos (“Ook-see-vaha-va-yah-mus-ta-ka-vee-kee-toss”)
Spilling the beans (quite literally here), Brazil cranks out more coffee than any other country in the world! But how will you order yours when you go there?
Brazilian coffee is commonly known for its clear, sweet, medium-bodied, low-acid qualities. Brazilians too are "coffee fanatics" and tend to drink numerous small cups of quality coffee throughout the day. A "cafézinho" is a generic terms which translates to "small coffee" and it is supposed to be filtered and served extremely hot (Oops! Be careful!) Wherever you travel in Brazil, you will highly likely to be offered a cafézinho as a part of your warm and friendly welcome!
How to order? (pronunciation)- Um cafézinho, por favor (Um-caf-ay-zeen-yo-por-fav-or”)
French colonists might have introduced coffee to Vietnam, but the morning cup of ca phe soon became a local habit.
With variations that make use of yogurt, eggs and even fruits, Vietnamese coffee has developed a style of its own. When it comes to Vietnam, it has a lot to offer in the coffee department than just cliché coffee with milk! Travelling to Ho Chi Minh city? There are plenty of coffee shops where one can and must order a freshly roasted brew!
How to order? (pronunciation)- Xin cho tôi một cà phê trứng (“Sin-choh-thoy-mot-cah-feh-chung”)
"Because every story and every mood gets better with a cuppa-coffee..."