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Hoan Kiem Lake
📍 Hoàn Kiếm Lake, VietnamView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:October to December (Autumn) and March to April (Spring)

⏰ Open Hours:Open 24 hours

🏞 Things To Do:Visit Ngoc Son Temple, take a stroll, enjoy a paddle-boat ride, take photos, feed the turtles

💰 Budget:Free to walk around, small fee to enter Ngoc Son Temple

🧳 Traveller Types:Solo travelers, Couples, Families, History and nature enthusiasts

🏆 Known For:Ngoc Son Temple, The Huc Bridge, Tran Ba Pavilion, Turtle sightings, Beautiful scenery

🚉 Distances:2.5 km from Hanoi Train Station, 28 km from Noi Bai International Airport

🍜 Nearby Dining:Plenty of street food vendors and restaurants around the lake

🎭 Cultural Significance:Legend of the returned sword, considered the center of Hanoi's public life

🎒 Tips:Visit early morning or late evening for fewer crowds, keep an eye on your belongings

📸 Photogenic Spot:The Huc Bridge and Tran Ba Pavilion offer stunning views of the lake

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Hoan Kiem Lake: The Heart and Soul of Hanoi

Hoan Kiem Lake, or the Lake of the Returned Sword, is one of the most iconic and beautiful landmarks in Hanoi, Vietnam. Located in the center of the city, the lake is surrounded by historical and cultural attractions, as well as lively and vibrant activities. The lake is also steeped in legend and mythology, making it a symbol of the Vietnamese identity and spirit.

In this article, we will explore the legend, the attractions, and the tips for visiting Hoan Kiem Lake, one of the most enchanting and captivating places in Hanoi.

The Legend of Hoan Kiem Lake

Photo of Hoan Kiem Lake 1/1 by

The name of the lake comes from a legend that dates back to the 15th century, when Vietnam was under the rule of the Ming Dynasty of China. According to the legend, a Vietnamese emperor named Le Loi received a magical sword from a dragon king that helped him defeat the Chinese invaders and liberate his country. One day, while boating on the lake, he encountered a giant turtle that emerged from the water and asked him to return the sword to the dragon king. The emperor obliged and threw the sword into the lake, where it was caught by the turtle and disappeared. The emperor then named the lake Hoan Kiem, meaning the Lake of the Returned Sword, to commemorate the event.

The legend has different versions and interpretations, and some historians believe that it is based on historical facts and figures. The legend reflects the Vietnamese culture and identity, as it shows the values of courage, loyalty, and gratitude, as well as the connection between the natural and the supernatural worlds. The legend also inspired many other legends and myths associated with the lake, such as the legend of the white horse that guided the emperor to the location of the lake, and the legend of the golden buffalo that created the lake by digging the ground with its horns.

The Attractions of Hoan Kiem Lake

The lake is not only a place of legend, but also a place of attraction. Around the lake, there are many historical and cultural attractions that can be visited, such as temples, pagodas, museums, and markets. Here are some of the attractions that you should not miss when visiting Hoan Kiem Lake:

1. Ngoc Son Temple

This is a temple on the island in the lake, dedicated to the national hero Tran Hung Dao and the scholar Van Xuong, who are revered for their contributions to the country. The temple is connected to the shore by a red wooden bridge called The Huc, meaning the Morning Sunlight Bridge. The temple also features a pen-shaped tower called Thap But, meaning the Pen Tower, which symbolizes the power of literature and culture.

2. Thap Rua

This is a tower on another island in the lake, representing the turtle that returned the sword to the emperor. The tower is also known as the Turtle Tower, and it is a symbol of Hanoi. The tower can be seen from different angles around the lake, and it looks especially beautiful at night when it is illuminated by lights.

3. Hoa Lo Prison Museum

This is a museum that was formerly a prison used by the French and the Americans, and it displays some of the artifacts and exhibits related to the prisoners and the war. The prison was nicknamed the Hanoi Hilton by the American POWs, who included the late Senator John McCain. The museum also shows the harsh conditions and the torture methods that the prisoners endured, as well as the stories of their resistance and escape.

4. Temple of Literature

This is a temple that honors Vietnam’s finest scholars and offers a chance to learn about Vietnamese culture and education. The temple was built in 1070 and it was the first university in Vietnam. The temple consists of five courtyards, each with its own gate, pavilion, and garden. The temple also houses the stone steles of the doctoral laureates, who passed the royal examinations and earned the highest degrees.

The Activities of Hoan Kiem Lake

The lake is not only a place of attraction, but also a place of activity. Around the lake, there are many lively and vibrant activities that can be done, such as tai chi, line dance, chess, cycling, walking, and photography. Here are some of the activities that you can enjoy around the lake:

1. Tai chi

This is a martial art and exercise that is practiced by many locals around the lake, especially in the morning and evening, to improve their health and balance. You can join or watch the tai chi practitioners, who are usually friendly and welcoming, and learn some of the basic moves and techniques.

2. Line dance

This is a dance that is performed by groups of people around the lake, especially on weekends, to enjoy the music and the atmosphere. Line dance is a fun and easy dance that involves following the steps and movements of the leader. You can join or watch the line dancers, who are usually cheerful and energetic, and learn some of the popular songs and dances.

3. Chess

This is a game that is played by many elderly men around the lake, who challenge each other and share their wisdom and stories. You can join or watch the chess players, who are usually respectful and competitive, and learn some of the tips and tricks of the game.

The Tips for Visiting Hoan Kiem Lake

To make the most of your visit to Hoan Kiem Lake, here are some useful tips that you should know:

Best time to visit:

The best time to visit the lake is in the early morning or late afternoon, when the weather is cooler and the lake is more peaceful and scenic. You can also avoid the crowds and the traffic, and enjoy the sunrise or the sunset over the lake. The lake is also beautiful at night, when it is illuminated by lights and reflected by the water.


The weather in Hanoi is hot and humid in the summer, and cold and dry in the winter, so you should dress accordingly and bring sunscreen, water, and umbrella. The average temperature in Hanoi is about 24°C, but it can range from 15°C to 33°C depending on the season. The rainy season is from May to October, and the dry season is from November to April.


The lake is generally safe and secure, but you should still be careful and vigilant, especially at night and in crowded areas. You should watch out for pickpockets, scammers, and beggars, and keep your valuables and documents in a safe place. You should also follow the traffic rules and signs, and cross the street carefully and confidently.

Traffic ban:

The traffic around the lake is banned on weekends, creating a more pedestrian-friendly and festive atmosphere, with more activities and events. You can walk, cycle, or skate around the lake, and enjoy the music, the performances, and the street food. You can also rent a bicycle or a pedal boat from the vendors around the lake, and explore the lake at your own pace.

Hoan Kiem Lake is the heart and soul of Hanoi, and a must-see destination for anyone who visits the city. The lake offers a rich and diverse experience, from the legend and the history, to the attractions and the activities, to the tips and the interaction. The lake is a place where you can learn, enjoy, and connect, and where you can feel the essence and the spirit of Hanoi and Vietnam. If you are looking for a place that is both beautiful and meaningful, then Hoan Kiem Lake is the place for you.

Hoan Kiem Lake Reviews

Hanoi to cover –The historic Opera House (it still runs with shows on most days). The night time view is vivid with the Viet traffic, noises and lights. Beside the Opera house you can see the actual Hilton Hotel and opposite it is the Hanoi stock exchange. Walk towards the Hoan Kiem lake from the Opera, on Fri and Sat the whole barrage of Hoan Kiem is closed for vehicles and reconstructed into a public recreation area with artists, talent groups, kids and parents taking part in various activities. We found this super amazing band of 4 youngsters who killed it on the instrumentals! As you approach OQ, head to the pub street Hàng Buồm where you should be lucky to find a place. This street runs long with many bars, pubs and eating places.
'Lake Of The Restored Sword' or the Hoan Kiem Lake is one of the most scenic spots in Vietnam. Closely knit with its mythology, with a nice story about how the lake got its name (in the 15th century during the Ming Chinese invasion, general Le Loi was presented with a holy sword. With the help of this sword he expelled the Chinese from Thang Long, present-day of Hanoi and proclaimed himself as King Le Thai To.), this place is also a spot for most public celebrations in Vietnam. Situated in the Old Quarter this lake is a great place to stop by and gain a foothold in Hanoi. Much of the city's culture, fashion and food surrounds this lake.
We had initially planned to also see Old Quarter & Hoan Kiem Lake as part of the tour but because of the hot weather we decided to cut short our tour and head back to the hotel. In the evening we headed to the Weekend Night Market.It takes places every Friday -Sunday in evening in the old town. It turned out to the best place for souvenir shopping - but you have to bargain really hard. In the same street we found Hanoi Rocks Hostel.It had a big bar on the ground floor. After shopping it was nice to sit there and relax. Nice ambience, cheap drinks and decent food Day 3 : Hanoi Dong Xuang Market. Hang Dau Street Hang Gai street
This was hands down my favorite place in Hanoi. To my fellow Seattleites it reminds me a lot of Greenlake. I went there every day I was Hanoi to escape the stimulation of the city and stare at the beautiful temple. The lake is the best place for people watching. Joggers make their laps, older women do tai chi, and men lift weights and do pull ups. At sunset couples line the lake taking photos of one another. The temple on the bridge at the North end of the lake is a peaceful place to sit and ponder.
Several times during our trip we visited Hoan Kiem Lake in the Old Quarter. There are a lot of nice cafes overlooking the water, and it's a nice walk around the shores as well, during the day or night. Many locals come here to exercise and do calisthenics - I frequently saw people, especially older folks, strolling around while swinging their arms and pumping their legs vigorously. There is a pagoda in the middle of the lake that can't be reached, as well as a temple that one can get to by crossing a bridge.
Photos of Hoan Kiem Lake
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