It was in New year's eve 2016 when by chance we both happened to plan to go to Rann of Kutch , separately and solo. Surprisingly, we both boarded the same train. I was waiting at the station near my B3 coach , all packed in a leather jacket and my DSLR bag onto my shoulders. The train screeches to a halt and hops off from the train a familiar face in the very same compartment . Utter disbelief and Joy.
He drinks coffee. Asks me , i say no. I dont like any drink except milk and alcohol. I settle down . He helps me do the bed on the upper berth.
Then we get to talking. Why, how, when etc.
I dont know when 2 hours literally flow by and train stops at Ahmedabad.
He is not a talker. He speaks when needed. And when he likes to. I get a feeling , he likes talking to me. We discuss about our lives, what happened in the past 8 years of knowing each other's existence, professional and personal lives.
He is lean. Dressed in a casual shirt tucked in a blue jeans, he looks good . Though, that is not what strikes me . His face beams and smile spreads when I start talking about my love for travel. That strikes me. We hit a similar chord somewhere.
It was subtly understood, that we could do this trip together. But, who'd ask. None knew of each other's background, what asking for this trip could imply etc.

In the course of , what seemed like a never-ending, conversation we mutually decided we will go around exploring Kutch together . I had booked a lodge in Bhachau and I tagged him along. My package was of 10k including stay ,food and car hire . I was happy to share it with him. So, from a SOLO trip, it became a DUO trip. Something, I celebrate it even today :)
We touched Bhachau around 4:00 am . Our pickup was arranged. The car took us to Little Rann of Kutch directly as I wanted to watch the sun rise from the desert.
I am a hard-core sunset person. I can do anything to watch the last few minutes of the setting of the sun. I get lost in the range of colours the sky offers . I fail to understand the quick change in the art of horizon, not scientically though. That having said, I hadn't seen the colour of sky change from pitch dark to the crimson red to white . We sat, walked and listened to silence . It was a different morning.

After checking-in, breakfast and a shower, we left for Dholavira.

Our lunch was arranged in a local's house near Dholavira. Since, specifically asked for a Kutchi cuisine, the lady of the house had prepared a complete Kutchi thali .

Dholavira is known for containing ruins of the ancient Indus valley civilization. The tropic of Cancer passes through the location. Now, under excavation by Archealogical survey of India. Dholavira contains three portions. The citadel, middle town and lower town. The construction was done majorly in stone unlike what we have studied for Harappan and Mohenjodaro architecture i.e. with the bricks.
We saw three big water reservoirs around the city. Near the middle town, we saw a huge BATH. We also discovered the structure of their houses. Kitchen, bathroom, rooms etc. Potteries. The fortification was clear . You should clearly save 3 hours to discover everything in detail.

As the clock ticked to 6, I realized this would be the best place to watch the sun set. We sat there for a while, looking as far as our eyes could stretch.

It was new year's eve. We had a small bottle of old monk. At 11:30, we poured a peg and lit up a small bonfire. This was an unplanned beautiful new year celebration. So away from the crowd and crackling loudspeakers singing "Anarkali disco chali...".
Next morning was 1st Jan and it was kept for the visit to the Indian wild ass wildlife sanctuary . Locally called the 'khudkhar', this is an endangered species. Mirage is so vivid here. There seems to be water just almost 100 metres from you and everytime you drive towards it , it keeps disappearing. Scientifically, the mind explains the phenomenon. But, it's just magical to see it happen .

Climbing a small hill , we see an oasis. To get respite from the scorching heat, we walk down the hill and sit near the water for some time.

We do not know how things would turn up, , what plans would fail, who we would meet. Things don't happen by accident. They happen because they are meant to happen. To discovering more places, bumping into people, making new friendships and living your life.