..konkan kada can be reached through harishchandragad. Harishchandragad is a famous fort of maharashtra. To visit konkan kada one must go to Harishchandragad first.It takes some 10 -15 minutes walk frm there to reach konkan kada ..There are basically 3 trek routes to reach harishchandragad 1st is via khireshwar 2nd one is naalichi vaat and 3rd one being via pachnai..the route via pachnai is the most easiest its a normal hike with a well marked route whereas naalichi vaat is quite tough and is only preferred for experienced trekker...one can reach taramati frm konkan kada which is another 1 hour of hike...
konkan kada gives a spectacular views of nearby hills,trimbak range and the AMK fort (Alang Madan Kulang)..this place is worth a visit if u do make sure you do a night stay and avoid going on Saturday, sundays