GOA : A dream for every Indian Graduate.
Engineering is becoming more of a ground for stories, one can find uncountable stories knitted over the years. From a shopkeeper to owing a billion dollar company, engineering is at its pace. Being from a third tire institute, where academic quality is a joke, social life is what one will also be deprived off, well but as said no matter how's bad the life is there's one thing that I one can do and succeed at.
Being fascinated and convinced by the symphony of doing what you like drew me away from the present and opened some of the wildest doors of my life span. Demographics and its psychology has buried us under its influence where youtube stands the most viable product. Great engineering indeed!.
Contrary to it, engineers are the one who are most obsessed. Following the EDM culture, parties, and alot of travel blogs had heavily inspired us to break bad at early stage of our life. Being fascinated by fact to atleast experience them once, caught me in psychological frame of "doing what you like " instead of doing " what I am into". i.e. travel unknowingly popularly known as wanderlust.
Goa has always given a wild perception of itself, whether through movies or exotic parties, and not to forget about the girls on beach, Pre-travel talks and plans were getting wild, non-veg and heavily filled with sexual content. It was the month of July, we couple of young lad traveled to Goa in search of beaches, girls and various perceived activities.

We accommodated near Miramar beach, an apartment was provided by one of our local friend. After getting some rest from the long journey, we started planning and looking for a ride to roam around the city and we were lucky, that too was arranged by our friend (Thank you man!).

We all decided that nobody will race on roads to avoid any kind of problem that can hamper the trip for rest of the group, and after some minutes ago one of our camp rider were rolling in soil besides road, obviously due to reckless riding. Our plan to quietly roam around Panaji was ruined and we were back at our apartment post dinner.

We rolled the next day for a tour to the city and it was pretty quiet that fall. Capacious roads, sound places, No music and yeah, No Girls at all!
Well, no idea about the others but I had a different vision of the place. Running low on tourist, I got a chance to explore native culture of Goans, natives of Goa are cool, relaxed and livelihood. It was fascinating for me to experience the food and drinking culture and a freestyle lifestyle. I was amused to see that Goans are allowed to drink in open, on roads and can roam around carefree as the administration is well aware of Goans moral responsibilities towards law and order.
Proceeding to every beach around one by one, I pictured an inverted view of the place with what is reflected to the outer world, Goa being a beautiful place in itself is negatively exaggerated where one can discover nature, peace and the spark of life.

Goa is a quiet big place and it takes upto 3 to 4 hours to travel from far South Goa to far North Goa. I would say the best experience for a north Indian is to have a boneless butter chicken being delivered to table @250 and beer @40-50 bucks. Visiting fancy and decorated restaurants all across the city (Guided by our local friend) we exploited food and drinks.
Everything was going smooth, we usually used to start drinks at dawn after hailing across the city and outside, till night to set our-self in careless and free mode to roam around the beach and play, until the "The Days of our Goa" arrived( this term is what I had framed to those days)
While running recklessly, we never expected legal issues that can catch us for some kikass fun.

"The Day in Goa: Day 1": One of my friend had an accident with some random goan, well luckily nobody got hurt but his car got fairly damaged. By this time, I was with one of my group guy drinking near Church Square and got the news over phone, that cost us them the whole day to clear the messup with police. Our group drank alot that day :p (thanks to our local friends again!).
Later that day we madeup a plan for a night show movie "The Conjuring" as the day was totally ruined, but who knew that we are following our sins, we faced the car guy again in theater and luckily without any mess we escaped out of the heat.

"The Day in Goa: Day 2" : Early morning we left for Morjim Beach, praising god to keep us away from any trouble but again as said when something bad can happen it will happen (Murphy's law). :D
A policeman tried to stop us casually I guess, but in order to escape any source of cash flow, we all accelerated our bikes, which resulted in a chase between police and us. Woah! what a chase it was! and finally got caught at another circle! We all were asked to gather at a place and also to call the other members of group who ran away.
In between the mess we all were completely unaware of the fact that one of our friend while escape showed a middle finger to the policeman which actually made him real angry instead of our escaping crime, and later he told us that it is the only reason he caught us.
The policeman was ready to leave the rest of us but was seriously concerned with our friend who pointed the middle finger at him and was stuck onto pushing him in jail. It took us all another day to convince him and to clear the messup, obviously with a heavy fine. We got real pissed off and went back to our apartment for rest. Lately, at midnight we few left for the beach and got high, laughing and Knitting unforgettable memories......

Though Goa was off the road that fall, but I guess we discovered quiet the phase.

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