Goa. First Day. Overnight journey. Arrival at Goa at 6:15 in morning. I waited for almost an hour and then rented a scooty for myself. Mind you my first day on any kind of bike. After roaming around for 2 hours, I checked in to the place I was staying- Zostel. After 30 minutes of doing nothing, I took my scooty to go for lunch. Had myself a plate of beef which was amazinggg in one of those pretty shacks in Calangute beach. Then on a whim I went for parasailing and in the course of that sea journey managed to drop my phone in the middle of the sea. Pretty start of trip. The evening got me introduced to people who now are friends for life. Listening to music sitting in the cafe in Zostel. The day ended but the journey has just began.

Travelling in local bus to Old Goa. With a Brazilian friend- Carlos. Basilica of Bom Jesus, St. Augustines Tower and a few more. The evening was Christmas Eve. The friends group that I found decided to go party. But at the strike of 12 midnight, 5 of us found ourselves in a local church listening to the prayers. But we did go partying in the middle of the night, on a scooty in full-speed to Curlies, Anjuna
The morning of 25th December, when we came back from partying at 6 in the morning. 2 guitars and a full music session of 3 hours, with every body trying to sing but duet session of Abhinav and Aditya that mesmerized everyone. That morning everybody just lazed around. In the evening, an amazing buffet organised by Zostel along with cakes for everyone. And I had a 2 hours long discussion on films with a method acting teacher from Chennai- Jack.
Day 4. Nothing but music for the entire day in the cafe. And with another group of new friends we went to see the sunset on a quiant little beach in front of Zostel.

It's my birthday. I was supposed to leave Goa on Day 3. But it's Day 5 and I am still here. So as the clock striked midnight I asked for a friend's scooty to go on my nightly around-the-neighbourhood trip when suddenly everyone around realised it's my birthday. Though one of them knew but he had forgotten about it at the exact right moment. He is Sahil. So 6 of us with a guitar went on the beach, sitting there and singing. They sang the birthday song for me. That's how my birthday started. In the morning, with Jack, Sahil and 3 more friends we went for a road trip to Ashvim and Vagator beach. Lazying around on the sunbeds. The most amazing seafood momos that we had in Ashvim.
And then the next 2 days went by in a flurry and came the day when I finally had to leave. I didn't wanted to because this place gave me a great many memories, a job offer to join this cool Zostel and some great friends who will be there for life. Travel gives you memories, it gives you wings. It makes you embrace different places and bring a little of those places with you while at the same time you feel like something inside you is lost. That is travel.