You would have taken trips with your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, family even strangers for that matter, but have you ever taken a trip with (only) your mom?! If not, it’s high time you take one with her, for she can be the best travel companion.
Here are the reasons why I think a trip with her is a must!
5. She is the only one who will click 10000 photos of you until you get that perfect one and still not complain about it. At the end of the day, all she wants is a happy you.

4. You’ll able to introduce her to things that she wouldn’t choose otherwise. She never would have agreed to try water sports or even a couple of food delicacies if you had told her about it. Later she would agree that indeed was the best food she has tasted.

3. She is the best companion to get drunk with. I still remember the way my mom starting laughing and giggling after a couple of fenny shots in Goa. You’ll get to witness the crazy side of your mom and you’ll love her more for this.

2. She is the only soul who will put up with all the HANGRY tantrums that you throw at her. She knows you in and out, that being said, she is the only one who will understand the real reason for your anger and might even carry an energy bar or a snack in her purse.

1. This is the best time to know everything about her. You might assume you know her well but the fact is that you have never known her for all her life; you had only known her after you entered the picture but there is much more than that. You’ll see her being carefree, child-like enjoying every single thing.

Enough said! Now book those tickets for you and your mom!