Most of us are having a experience of riding a bicycle in our childhood i also used to rode bicycle to school and coaching classes in early morning . Since than I had a good memories with bicycle. After a long break on bicycle i started it again few days back.I participated in local cycling events and joined a cycling community "Mybyk" to participate in cycling events. After practicing cycling for 15 to 20 km a day I took participate in 40 km long cycling event .
I was bit nervous and excited at a same time a day before riding but my friend has always supported me to do better and cheered up for my first ever long distance cycle ride.
I woke up by 4:30 am on a day of riding with new energy and enthusiasm .With all my excitement I reached to the event venue with my cycle .
I started riding from starting point (Adani shantigram, Ahemdabad ) . Due to the monsoon season we had a scenic view on our route . Cold breeze and scenic view has kept me excited to reach to the finishing point.With new friends and new people on riding we started enjoying the pedalling . I felt little tired in between the ride but level of excitement doesn't affect it .

I started experiencing the simple joy of riding a pedal.After riding to almost 20 km we reached to our finishing point ( Karai dam , Gandhinagar ).

With the bunch of crazy and enthusiastic people around me we spent a good time with each other and shared each other's experience and learning.

I played around the nature and enjoyed it's beauty .

After having breakfast we started riding back to the event venue . During the return riding i exchanged my bicycle with friend . I had a good time and ride with my friend's girlfriend , his bicycle.
This is how with each other's help and support i have completed my first ever 40 km long distance bicycle ride .
If you have any amazing story of cycling do share and keep inspiring each other .