When I desired badly for gloves at 3842m(Mont Blanc)
Story of courage, Adventure and Mistake
After Lyon, I went to Alps. Being a mountaingrapher, I am always excited about high altitudes and Mountains, it was my wish since longtime to visit this mountain (Mont blanc) during my Expedition. Thanks to Flavie for taking me there and make it happen for me in real.
I started my day early morning with lot of skiers waiting outside to take the cable car to go all the way up to Aiguille du Midi at 3842. Its true that some places excite you a lot that there is immense happiness and peace to visit them but behind every journey there is a story too ... at 8am i took the cable car with 2 degree temp and I got to know that up there at Aiguille du midi, its -15 degree...
My excitement was high but it was the mistake because I didn’t carry any gloves and high mountain gears to protect me from that freezing weather and cold winds, it was too late for me to step back and wait for next day to come prepared,So I decided to carry on without losing any time.
Once i reached at the top of (Midi), my excitement again led me to one more painful mistake, i just ran away outside on the Boardwalk to click the photos, i took out the camera to start clicking, in just couple of seconds my fingers freeze out and felt like thousands of knifes stabbing on it so i ran inside and rubbed my hands and fingers to make them warm so that i could go outside again to click some photos and live the MONT BLANC adventure too like others.
I felt sad and jealous while watching from inside through the window that others were enjoying the great time outside with their warm hands covering with Gloves and me just suck inside with freeze hands and fingers. I took out one extra pair of shoes that i had in my backpack and wore it with the thought that it would work but the idea failed badly, I couldn’t take photos. I rushed back inside again to rub my hands and watch others...
Finally I realised that it wouldn’t last forever the sunshine and all those skiers getting ready to start the ski. My idea was to click the skiers with the mountain background while they were descending.
Ski is one of the most dangerous, courageous and adventurous sport in the world. Finally watching them to do so it had filled my heart with the courage and went outside again in -15 degree to start clicking, it was painful with temperature and winds, it wasn’t easy at all to get the shots and protect yourself and your gear at the same time. Somehow I managed to get the courage and forget about the pain and gear and had kept on clicking photos, that led me to some of the amazing shots of the Mont blanc and Skiers while doing ski.
It was my mistake to come unprepared but sometime life put us under different situations and conditions where we had to act without loosing the time even if it’s against our wish, no matter how painful or hard but one has to do what he is supposed to do..
Shooting at -15 degree was the most courageous and crazy and stupid thing that I have ever done in my life. Most of the mistakes ever end up in sad or bad stories this one ended up in beautiful photos.
These pictures are not just about mountain and skiers and Nature.
Its about my courage, mistake and pain at the same time. It was really painful to get these shots with freeze fingers and weather. So I am sharing this Album of My adventure with you all and i hope you like it and avoid the same mistake..
Travel Safe and Smart always….
Nakul sharma