Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity

12th Jan 2024
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur

Albert Einstein famous legend in the field of Science. He was a theoretical physicist. His name was written in golden words in the field of Physics because of his great contribution towards science.
As I am post graduate in Physics , I have keen interest in knowing biography of Einstein. During my m.sc I also read auto -biography of Einstein.
Birthplace of great scientist was in Germany. 14th March was birth date of legend.

Some interesting features about  Einstein are :

1. Einestein was Genius with IQ level of 160.

2. Weight of Einstein 's brain was 1230 grams which is less than normal weight for adult male's brain.

3. Einestein was a leftie.

4. Einestein ' s brain was preserved after his death in 1955.

5. In 1985, Research about Einestein ' s brain revealed that Einestein 's brain has unusually large number of non - neuronal cells called gilla.

6. Einestein ' s brain has extraordinary prefrontal cortex.

7. Some parts of Einstein 's brain were larger than average person. It may be because he exercised these parts more than average person.

8. Einestein was slow in answering questions during his childhood.

9. He was poor in language and geography.

10. He didn't speak untill he was nearly 3 years old.

11. In 1921 Einestein received noble prize for his work in photoelectric effect.

Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur

Greatest contribution of Einestein :

Einestein was so famous because of
General theory of relativity and
Special theory of relativity
We cannot even think what Einestein gave to us in the field of Physics.
By his imagination power he gave space time relationship.
It was very interesting to know that if we move with speed of light time stops. For example there is a concept of twin paradox.

Twin paradox:
If there are 2 twins one remained at earth and other went to space with speed of light . Then after 42 years when that twin comes to earth then his age is same when he went to space but that twin who remained at earth became 42 years more older.
This paradox was given and explained by Einestein as :
Length contraction
Time dilation

Calculations given by Einestein was so accurate and all inventions which might be done after Einestein revealed accuracy of Einestein .

This theory of relativity was developed by Einestein in Bern Switzerland.
Bern Switzerland the city where Albert Einstein lived in, "ElNSTEIN HAUS". Einstein lived there from 1903 to 1905. These two years, in this "haus" or in english the house" he developed his theory of relativity. This apartment is located in Kramgasse 49 third floor and now it is open for tourists to visit and see where the greatest scientist lived and his choice of furniture. It gives your a little time travel to the period he lived in and a little simulation through his life.

Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur

Other marvelous inventions of Albert Einstein are :

1. Photoelectric effect.

2. Energy mass equilvence.

3. Quanta of light: photons.

4. Work on unified field theory.

5. Published hundreds of books and Articles

6. More than 300 scientific research papers.

7. Bose- Einestein statistics.

8. Einestein refrigerator.

9. Brownian motion.

10. Gravitational waves.

Pic source : Google

Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur

Quotes given by Einestein:

Einestein gave numerous famous quotes. Some of them are :

1. "Life is like a bicycle, Tokerp your balance you must keep moving".

2. "The only source of knowledge is experience".

3." We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them".

4. "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

5." Wisdom is not product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it".

6. "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough".

7. Last words of Einstein were

" I have done my share , it is time to go".

Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur
Photo of Unique place where legend Albert Einstein developed theory of relativity by Rajwinder Kaur

pic source : Google