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Ravana Falls
📍 Ravana Falls., Sri LankaView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:April to September, during dry season.

⏰ Open Hours:Open 24 hours

🎒 Things To Do:Photography, nature walks, picnics, bird watching, and bathing in the waterfall.

💰 Budget:No entry fee, but donations are appreciated.

🧳 Traveller Types:Nature lovers, photographers, adventure seekers, and families.

📍 Known For:Scenic beauty, the mythological connection to the Ramayana, and its natural pools.

🚄 Distances:6.5 km from Ella railway station, 209 km from Bandaranaike International Airport, 15 km from Bandarawela town.

👣 Accessibility:Partially wheelchair accessible with assistance.

📷 Must-See Spots:The top of the falls for panoramic views, natural pools for a refreshing dip.

🚰 Facilities:Public toilets and small shops selling snacks and drinks are available.

🔒 Safety:Be cautious while bathing in the waterfall as the current can be strong.

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Ravana Falls: A Guide to Sri Lanka’s Most Majestic Waterfall

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to visit a waterfall that is not only beautiful but also has a rich history and mythology behind it? If so, then you should definitely add Ravana Falls to your bucket list. Ravana Falls is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in Sri Lanka, and it is also linked to the legendary Ramayana, the ancient Indian epic that tells the story of Rama, Sita, and Ravana.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to visit and enjoy Ravana Falls and its surroundings. You will learn about the history and mythology of Ravana Falls, the best time to visit Ravana Falls, how to reach Ravana Falls, what to do and see at Ravana Falls, and some tips and suggestions for making the most of your trip. By the end of this article, you will be ready to plan your own adventure to Ravana Falls and experience its beauty and charm for yourself.

History and Mythology of Ravana Falls

Photo of Ravana Falls 1/1 by

Ravana Falls is named after Ravana, the legendary king who ruled Sri Lanka and was the main antagonist in the Ramayana. According to the epic, Ravana abducted Sita, the wife of Rama, the hero of the Ramayana, and brought her to his kingdom in Sri Lanka. He hid her in a cave near the waterfall, where he tried to woo her and make her his queen.

Rama, along with his brother Lakshmana and his ally Hanuman, the monkey god, searched for Sita and eventually found her location. Hanuman flew to the cave and met Sita, and then set fire to the forest around the waterfall to signal Rama.

There are several evidence and landmarks that support the Ramayana connection of Ravana Falls. The most obvious one is the Ravana Cave, which is located about 2 km from the waterfall and is believed to be the place where Sita was held captive. The cave is also known as the Sita Guha or the Sita Cave, and it has some ancient inscriptions and paintings on its walls.

Another landmark is the Ravana Rock, which is a massive rock formation that overlooks the waterfall and the valley. The rock is said to be the place where Ravana meditated and prayed to Lord Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction. There is also a small temple dedicated to Ravana at the base of the rock, where devotees offer prayers and offerings. The temple is also known as the Ravana Mandir or the Ravana Temple, and it has a statue of Ravana and some relics related to him.

Best Time to Visit Ravana Falls

Ravana Falls is located in the Uva Province of Sri Lanka, which has a tropical climate with two distinct seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season lasts from May to September, and the dry season lasts from October to April. The rainfall, temperature, and humidity vary depending on the season and the elevation.

The best time to visit Ravana Falls depends on what you are looking for and what you expect from your visit. If you want to see the waterfall at its fullest and most spectacular, then you should visit during the rainy season, when the water volume and the flow are the highest. The waterfall becomes a roaring cascade of water that plunges down from a height of about 25 meters and creates a misty spray that cools the air. The waterfall also becomes more visible and photogenic, as the clouds and the fog clear up and reveal the stunning scenery.

How to Reach Ravana Falls

Ravana Falls is located about 6 km from the nearest town, which is Ella, and about 200 km from the nearest city, which is Colombo. There are different modes of transportation and routes that can be used to reach Ravana Falls, such as the bus, the train, the taxi, the tuk-tuk, and the car. Each mode of transportation and route has its own advantages and disadvantages, such as the cost, the time, the comfort, and the scenery.

By bus: The bus is the cheapest and the most common mode of transportation to reach Ravana Falls, as there are frequent buses that run between Ella and Wellawaya, the nearest major town to the waterfall.

By train: The train is the most scenic and the most romantic mode of transportation to reach Ravana Falls, as there are daily trains that run between Colombo and Badulla, the nearest railway station to the waterfall.

By taxi: The taxi is the fastest and the most comfortable mode of transportation to reach Ravana Falls, as there are many taxis that operate between Ella and the waterfall. The taxi ride takes about 15 minutes and costs about 2,000 rupees per vehicle. The taxi can take you directly to the waterfall, and you can also stop at any point along the way to take pictures or explore the surroundings.

By tuk-tuk: The tuk-tuk is the most fun and the most flexible mode of transportation to reach Ravana Falls, as there are many tuk-tuks that are available for hire in Ella and the nearby areas. The tuk-tuk ride takes about 15 minutes and costs about 1,000 rupees per vehicle.

What to Do and See at Ravana Falls

The main attraction and activity at Ravana Falls is to admire and swim in the waterfall, which is a refreshing and exhilaring and exhilarating experience. The waterfall has two levels: the upper level and the lower level. The upper level is more secluded and less crowded, and it offers a better view and a deeper pool. The lower level is more accessible and more popular, and it offers a wider area and a shallower pool. You can choose to swim in either level, depending on your preference and your skill. However, you should always be careful of the slippery rocks, the strong currents, and the sharp edges, and you should never swim alone or without supervision. You should also wear comfortable shoes, carry water and snacks, and avoid littering or damaging the environment.

Some of the nearby attractions and activities that can be combined with the visit to Ravana Falls are:

1. Ravana Cave: This is the cave where Sita was held captive by Ravana, and where Hanuman met her and gave her Rama’s ring. The cave is located about 2 km from the waterfall, and it can be reached by a steep and narrow trail that takes about 30 minutes to climb.

2. Ella Rock: This is a massive rock formation that rises above the town of Ella and offers a stunning view of the surrounding landscape. The rock is located about 5 km from the waterfall, and it can be reached by a challenging and scenic hike that takes about 2 hours to complete.

3. Little Adam’s Peak: This is a smaller and easier version of the famous Adam’s Peak, which is a sacred mountain in Sri Lanka that is believed to have the footprint of Buddha, Shiva, or Adam, depending on the faith. The peak is located about 4 km from the waterfall, and it can be reached by a gentle and pleasant walk that takes about 45 minutes to finish.

4. Uva Halpewatte Tea Factory: This is one of the largest and oldest tea factories in Sri Lanka, and it produces some of the finest and most aromatic teas in the world. The factory is located about 10 km from the waterfall, and it can be reached by a short and smooth drive that takes about 15 minutes.

Some of the optional tours and packages that are available for Ravana Falls and its surroundings are:

Ravana Falls Half Day Tour:

This is a tour that takes you to the Ravana Falls and the Ravana Cave, and it includes the pick-up and drop-off from your hotel, the transportation, the guide, and the entrance fees. The tour lasts for about 4 hours, and it costs about 5,000 rupees per person. The tour is suitable for anyone who wants to see the main attractions of the waterfall and the cave in a short and convenient way.

Ravana Falls Full Day Tour:

This is a tour that takes you to the Ravana Falls, the Ravana Cave, the Ella Rock, and the Little Adam’s Peak, and it includes the pick-up and drop-off from your hotel, the transportation, the guide, the entrance fees, and the lunch. The tour lasts for about 8 hours, and it costs about 10,000 rupees per person.

Ravana Falls Camping Tour:

This is a tour that takes you to the Ravana Falls and the Ravana Cave, and it includes the pick-up and drop-off from your hotel, the transportation, the guide, the entrance fees, the camping equipment, the dinner, and the breakfast. The tour lasts for about 24 hours, and it costs about 15,000 rupees per person.

Ravana Falls is a stunning waterfall in Sri Lanka that is connected to the epic Ramayana. It is a place where you can enjoy the beauty and the charm of nature, as well as the history and the mythology of culture. In this article, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to visit and enjoy Ravana Falls and its surroundings. We have covered the history and mythology of Ravana Falls, the best time to visit Ravana Falls, how to reach Ravana Falls, what to do and see at Ravana Falls, and some tips and suggestions for making the most of your trip.

Ravana Falls Reviews

Then we proceed to another nearby beautiful, scenic, tourist hotspot & mythological hill station of Srilanka called "Elle". In Elle you can find Ravana Caves,Ravana falls, Ellawala waterfalls,9 Arch bridge, etc. The train ride from Nuwara-Eliya to Elle is one of the world's most scenic railway trips in the world. So you can ask your agent to buy the train tickets well in advance to experience this. "Ravana falls" ranks as one of the famous, widest waterfalls in Srilanka.It is said that Sitaji used to bathe in the pool that accumulated in the water falling from this waterfall. The pool is not too deep and so you can bathe in below this waterfall. The way to the pool is bit tedious and slippery so need to take utmost care as if you slip then there are big rocks which may hurt you seriously. Pic: "Ravana Caves" is the cave built by Ravana and one need to take 700 steps to enter the cave and you are not allowed to enter beyond one point in the cave because of some reasons. We did not go even inside the cave and returned from the entrance as we were short of time.
Ravana's Waterfall(free) is also place one can spend more than an hour. It's loud waterfall which rocky access where you can get sprayed with fine mist. Ella is definitely one the breathtaking place I've seen and both hikes are worth doing.
Google Maps showed me Ravana falls at a distance of 6 Kms from my location. To save some time, I thought of hitchhiking. So, I raised my thumb high. I could see a motorcycle approaching, it stopped and offered me a ride.
This is another famous waterfall in Sri Lanka and the locals believe that Ravana's palace is situated behind the falls although nobody has ever seen it.
Photos of Ravana Falls
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