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Nine Arches Bridge
📍 Nine Arches Bridge, Sri LankaView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:Morning hours for best photography, all year round

⏰ Open Hours:Open 24 hours

🎯 Things To Do:Photography, sightseeing, train spotting, trekking

💰 Budget:No entry fees

🧳 Traveller Types:Photographers, Nature Lovers, Adventure Seekers

🔍 Known For:British Colonial Architecture, Scenic Beauty, Train Passes

📍 Distances:Located approximately 2 km from Ella town, 8 km from Demodara Railway Station, 140 km from Bandaranaike International Airport

👟 Accessibility:Accessible by foot, tuk-tuk, or car

📸 Photo Opportunities:Architectural views, train passes, surrounding landscapes

🌿 Surrounding Flora:Tea plantations, forests

🚂 Train Timings:Several trains pass daily, exact timings can be found on the Sri Lanka Railways website

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Nine Arches Bridge: A Guide to Visiting the Iconic Landmark in Ella, Sri Lanka

If you are looking for a scenic and serene destination in Sri Lanka, you should not miss the Nine Arches Bridge in Ella. This majestic stone bridge is one of the most famous and beautiful attractions in the country, and a must-see for anyone who loves nature, history, and engineering.

The Nine Arches Bridge, also known as the Bridge in the Sky, is a colonial-era railway bridge that was built in 1921. It spans 91 meters over a verdant valley, where a tea plantation, a forest, and a stream create a picturesque backdrop. The bridge has nine graceful arches that support the railway track, which is still in use today. The bridge is a marvel of engineering, as it was constructed without using any steel or metal, but only bricks, cement, and rocks.

The bridge is located about 3 kilometers from Ella town, a charming hill station in the Badulla district of Sri Lanka. Ella is a popular tourist destination, as it offers a variety of attractions and activities, such as hiking, waterfalls, temples, and tea factories. The Nine Arches Bridge is one of the highlights of Ella, and a perfect spot to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the countryside.

In this guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about visiting the Nine Arches Bridge, such as how to get there, when to go, what to do, and more. Read on to discover why the Nine Arches Bridge should be on your bucket list when you travel to Sri Lanka.

How to Reach the Nine Arches Bridge

Photo of Nine Arches Bridge 1/1 by

There are several ways to reach the Nine Arches Bridge from Ella town, Ella station, or Demodara station. You can choose the option that suits your budget, time, and preference. Here are some of the most common ways to get to the bridge:

Walking: The most adventurous and rewarding way to reach the bridge is by walking. You can follow a scenic trail that starts from Ella station and passes through the tea plantation, the forest, and the village. The trail is about 3 kilometers long and takes about 45 minutes to an hour to complete. You can enjoy the stunning views of the valley and the bridge along the way, and also interact with the friendly locals. The trail is easy to moderate in difficulty, but it can be slippery and steep in some parts, so make sure you wear comfortable shoes and carry water and snacks. You can also hire a local guide to show you the way and tell you more about the history and culture of the area.

Tuk-tuk: The most convenient and fastest way to reach the bridge is by tuk-tuk, a three-wheeled taxi that is widely available in Sri Lanka. You can find a tuk-tuk near Ella station or Ella town, and negotiate the price with the driver. The ride to the bridge takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and costs about 500 to 800 Sri Lankan rupees (about 2.5 to 4 US dollars). You can ask the driver to wait for you at the bridge, or arrange a pick-up time later. The tuk-tuk can drop you off near the bridge, where you can walk for a few minutes to reach the viewpoint or the railway track.

Taxi: Another option to reach the bridge is by taxi, which is more comfortable and spacious than a tuk-tuk, but also more expensive. The taxi ride to the bridge takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and costs about 1000 to 1500 Sri Lankan rupees (about 5 to 7.5 US dollars). You can ask the driver to wait for you at the bridge, or arrange a pick-up time later.

Train: The most scenic and romantic way to reach the bridge is by train, which is also the cheapest option. You can take a train from Ella station or Demodara station, and get off at the Nine Arches Bridge station, which is a small and rustic stop between the two. The train ride takes about 10 to 15 minutes, and costs only 20 Sri Lankan rupees (about 0.1 US dollars). You can enjoy the breathtaking views of the valley and the bridge from the train window, and also experience the thrill of crossing the bridge on the railway track.

Best Time to Visit the Nine Arches Bridge

The best time to visit the Nine Arches Bridge depends on several factors, such as the weather, the crowd, and the train schedule. Here are some tips to help you plan your visit:

The best time of the day to visit the bridge is in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun is not too harsh and the light is ideal for photography. You can also avoid the peak hours, when the bridge can get crowded with tourists and locals. The early morning and late afternoon are also the best times to catch the train passing over the bridge, which is a spectacular sight to witness and capture.

The best time of the year to visit the bridge is in the dry season, which lasts from December to March in Ella. During this time, the weather is pleasant and sunny, and the chances of rain are low. You can enjoy the clear views of the valley and the bridge, and also explore the other attractions and activities in Ella. However, the dry season is also the peak season for tourism in Sri Lanka, so you can expect more crowds and higher prices at the bridge and elsewhere.

Things to Do Near the Nine Arches Bridge

There are many things to do near the Nine Arches Bridge, which can make your visit more fun and memorable. Here are some of the activities and attractions that you can enjoy near the bridge:

Hiking: One of the best ways to experience the beauty and the charm of the Nine Arches Bridge is by hiking. You can hike along the railway track, which is a popular and easy route that offers stunning views of the bridge and the valley. You can also hike to the viewpoint, which is a higher and more challenging route that offers a panoramic view of the bridge and the surrounding area. You can also hike to the other side of the bridge, where you can find a small cave and a waterfall. You can also hike to the nearby attractions, such as the Little Adam’s Peak, the Ella Rock, and the Ravana Falls, which are some of the most scenic and adventurous hikes in Ella.

Photography: Another great way to enjoy the Nine Arches Bridge is by photography. You can capture the amazing shots of the bridge and the valley, and also the train passing over the bridge, which is a rare and iconic sight. You can also take some selfies and portraits with the bridge as the backdrop, and share them with your friends and family.

Tea tasting: Another enjoyable activity near the Nine Arches Bridge is tea tasting. You can visit the nearby tea plantation, where you can learn about the history and the process of tea production in Sri Lanka. You can also taste some of the finest and freshest teas in the world, such as black, green, white, and herbal teas. You can also buy some tea as a souvenir or a gift for your loved ones. You can also visit the nearby tea factory, where you can see how the tea leaves are dried, rolled, fermented, and packed. You can also enjoy a cup of tea and a snack at the tea factory cafe, which offers a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

Visiting the nearby temples and waterfalls: Another interesting attraction near the Nine Arches Bridge is the nearby temples and waterfalls, which offer a glimpse of the culture and the nature of Sri Lanka. You can visit the Dhowa Rock Temple, which is a ancient Buddhist temple that features a 12-meter-high rock carving of Buddha and some colorful murals. You can also visit the Ravana Ella Temple, which is a Hindu temple that is dedicated to the king Ravana, who is believed to have kidnapped the princess Sita in the epic Ramayana. You can also visit the Ravana Falls, which is a spectacular waterfall that cascades from a height of 25 meters. You can also swim in the pool at the base of the waterfall, but be careful of the strong currents and the slippery rocks.

Eating and drinking near the Nine Arches Bridge: Another fun thing to do near the Nine Arches Bridge is eating and drinking at the nearby cafes, restaurants, and tea shops. You can find a variety of cuisines and dishes, such as Sri Lankan, Indian, Chinese, and Western, as well as vegetarian and vegan options. You can also try some of the local specialties, such as hoppers, roti, curry, and kottu.

The Nine Arches Bridge is a must-visit attraction in Ella, Sri Lanka, as it offers a unique and unforgettable experience. You can admire the beauty and the engineering of the bridge, and also witness the train passing over the bridge, which is a rare and iconic sight. You can also enjoy the other activities and attractions near the bridge, such as hiking, photography, tea tasting, and visiting the nearby temples and waterfalls. You can also eat and drink at the nearby cafes, restaurants, and tea shops, which offer a variety of cuisines and dishes.

Nine Arches Bridge Reviews

Then we went to The Nine Arch(sky) Bridge in Ella which is on the Demodara loop and spans 91 meters at a height of 24m. The beautiful nine arches make it a very picturesque spot especially as it is located in a dense jungle and agricultural setting. Behind the railway, a forest is booming and below, tea leaves are being cultivated.This was built by British Colonial and entirely made up of rocks, bricks & cement.The name derives from the visual experience. When you stand below the bridge and look up you can see the sky through the nine arches. Then we proceeded to the unexplored Ellawala waterfall which was suggested by our local friend Ms Umashini and I also suggest you guys that place should be on your must visit place in Sri Lanka.We were ready to visit this place as soon as we saw beautiful pictures of this place. We followed the Google Maps as our driver was also going to this place for the first time. He dropped us at around 3 kms away from the actual site.Then we took a tuk-tuk for around 600 SLR for a round trip which we took from parking to the closest place possible.The path is very rough as it's between the mountains full of slops, wet and muddy roads made up of san,stones only. After that we need to hike around 500 meters which is actual trekking like you will get big rocks, climb and jump from one place to another, small water streams also pass on the way and sometimes you may also feel that there cannot be a way from here, but you need to go on and on straight and then you will see the best sight, a treat to watch place Ellawala waterfall.The waterfall in reality was much better than what we saw in the picture and felt the hard work we did was appropriate to see this place.We were awestruck and we almost spent 2 hours here as this place is very less crowded with only 6-10 Europeans present, we bathed, clicked many pictures as below and did not wanted to return back. Please take care of dogs as there are many dogs here which bark alot and dont know if they bite or not. If you feel you can take the help of a local shopkeeper at the point where the tuk tuk drops you near to the waterfall. We asked him to drop us till the waterfall.The locals do not understand English language at all so need to be good at sign language. The other famous sightseeing places which we did not cover are Little Adams Peak and you can also visit Hortons Plain which is nearby to Nuwara Eliya.
On the way back from the Little Adam’s Peak, take a detour to check out the Nine Arches Bridge. If you time yourself well, you might even be able to see the train crossing by – gave me serious Harry Potter feels J Well, over here, I will refrain from sharing the train timings, because the truth is, on asking different sets of people we got different answers. Sometimes the Sri Lanka train is late as well, but there are a lot of local shops around and they should be able to help you with the next train to be crossing by. You might have to go down some weird ways to reach the viewing point for the train. But don’t even think about coming back up. I would strongly recommend you go down to the rail tracks, click loads of pictures, and then walk along the rail tracks back to Ella. Sounds fun, right? It is a 40 minute walk, and should build up enough appetite for lunch, by the time you reach the city center. The rest of the day is for you to relax and unwind, but I would recommend you visit the Halpwethatha Tea factory if you can. If not for the extra knowledge and demonstration of how tea is made, for the spectacular views from up there! This one is slightly far from the city and a Tuk Tuk should cost you around Okay, enough hikes for one holiday. I promise, now on, it will just be beaches, good food, some sunlight and a lot of chilling!
Since we stuffed ourselves with food till dinner, we went to visit the most famous and instagrammed spot of Lanka Nine Arches Bridgewhich was just 3 kms from our stay along the railway track.
Photos of Nine Arches Bridge
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