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Ella Rock
📍 Ella Rock, Sri LankaView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:January to April, July to September

⏰ Open Hours:Open 24 hours

🏞 Things To Do:Hiking, Nature Photography, Picnics

💰 Budget:Free Entry, Costs may apply for guided tours

🧳 Traveller Types:Adventure Seekers, Nature Lovers, Photographers

🔍 Known For:Breathtaking panoramic views, unique rock formation, rich biodiversity

📍 Distances:8km from Ella railway station, 65km from Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, 6km from Ella town

👟 Hiking Difficulty:Moderate

🌤 Climate:Tropical, cooler at the top of the rock

📸 Best Views:Summit of Ella Rock

🧭 Navigation Tip:Path can be confusing, hiring a local guide is recommended

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How to Hike Ella Rock in Sri Lanka: A Complete Guide

Have you ever dreamed of hiking to the top of a mountain and watching the sunrise over a stunning landscape? If so, you should definitely add Ella Rock to your bucket list. Ella Rock is one of the most rewarding and scenic hikes in Sri Lanka, but it can also be one of the most challenging and confusing.

In this guide, we will show you how to hike Ella Rock on your own, without a guide or a tour. We will also share with you some tips and advice on how to prepare, what to expect, and how to enjoy the hike.

How to get to Ella Rock

Ella Rock is located in the hill country of Sri Lanka, near the town of Ella. Ella is a popular destination for travelers who want to experience the natural beauty, culture, and adventure of Sri Lanka. Ella has many attractions and activities, such as the Nine Arches Bridge, Little Adam’s Peak, Ravana Falls, and tea plantations. You can easily spend a few days in Ella and explore its surroundings.

How to get to Ella

There are several ways to get to Ella from different parts of Sri Lanka, such as by train, bus, car, or taxi. The most scenic and recommended way is by train, as you will get to see the lush green hills, waterfalls, and tea fields along the way. The train journey from Colombo to Ella takes about 9 hours and costs around 700 rupees (about 4 USD) for a second-class ticket.

You can also take a bus from Colombo to Ella, which takes about 7 hours and costs around 500 rupees (about 3 USD) for a non-AC bus. Alternatively, you can hire a car or a taxi from Colombo to Ella, which takes about 5 hours and costs around 15,000 rupees (about 80 USD) for a one-way trip.

How to get to the trailhead

Once you are in Ella, you need to get to the trailhead of the hike. The trailhead is located near the Ella railway station, which is about 1 km from the town center. You can either walk, take a tuk-tuk, or rent a bike to get there. Walking takes about 15 minutes, tuk-tuk takes about 5 minutes and costs around 200 rupees (about 1 USD), and bike rental costs around 500 rupees (about 3 USD) per day. The trailhead is marked by a metal bridge that crosses the railway tracks. You will see a sign that says “Ella Rock” and a small shop that sells snacks and drinks.

How to hike Ella Rock

The hike to Ella Rock is about 8 km long and takes about 4 hours to complete, depending on your pace and fitness level. The hike is moderately difficult, as it involves some steep and slippery sections, as well as some confusing and unmarked paths. The best time to start the hike is around 5 am, so that you can reach the summit before sunrise and avoid the heat and crowds.

The route and directions

Here is a detailed and step-by-step guide on how to hike Ella Rock, with photos and landmarks along the way:

1. Cross the metal bridge and follow the railway tracks to the left for about 1.5 km. You will pass by the Kithalella railway station and a small waterfall on your right.

2. After the waterfall, look for a small temple on your left and a blue sign that says “Ella Rock View Guest Inn”. Turn left and follow the dirt road uphill for about 500 meters. You will see some tea fields and houses on your way.

3. At the end of the dirt road, you will reach a junction with a large tree and a sign that says “Ella Rock”. Turn right and follow the path through the tea plantation for about 1 km. You will see some stunning views of the valley and the mountains on your left.

4. After the tea plantation, you will enter a eucalyptus forest. Follow the path for about 500 meters until you reach a clearing with a small hut and a water tank. This is a good place to take a break and refill your water bottle.

5. From the clearing, continue straight and follow the path uphill for about 1 km. You will see some red arrows and white marks on the trees that indicate the direction. The path will become steeper and more rocky as you approach the summit.

6. After a final steep climb, you will reach the top of Ella Rock. You will see a large rock with a Sri Lankan flag and a sign that says “Ella Rock 1041 m”. You will also see a breathtaking panorama of the hills, the town, and the sunrise.

The views and attractions

The hike to Ella Rock is not only a physical challenge, but also a visual delight. Along the way, you will see and enjoy many views and attractions, such as:

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The tea fields: Sri Lanka is famous for its tea production, and you will get to see the green and lush tea fields that cover the hillsides. You will also see some tea pickers and workers who will greet you with a smile and a wave. You can even try some fresh tea leaves and learn about the tea making process.

The waterfalls: Sri Lanka is also known for its waterfalls, and you will get to see some of them on your hike. The most notable one is the small waterfall that you will pass by on the railway tracks. You can also hear the sound of the Ravana Falls, which is one of the largest and most beautiful waterfalls in Sri Lanka, located about 6 km from Ella.

The wildlife: Sri Lanka is home to a rich and diverse wildlife, and you might encounter some of them on your hike. You will see some birds, butterflies, monkeys, and squirrels along the way. You might also see some leeches, which are blood-sucking worms that can attach to your skin and cause itching and bleeding. To avoid them, wear long socks, apply salt or lime, and check your legs frequently.

The sunrise: The sunrise is one of the main attractions and rewards of the hike, as you will get to see the sky change colors and the sun emerge from behind the mountains. The sunrise is usually around 6:30 am, but it can vary depending on the season and the weather. To enjoy the sunrise, make sure you start the hike early, find a good spot at the summit, check the weather forecast, and bring a camera.

How to make the most of the hike

The hike to Ella Rock is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and you want to make the most of it. Here are some tips and advice on how to prepare, what to expect, and how to enjoy the hike:

What to wear and pack?

The hike to Ella Rock requires some preparation and planning, especially in terms of what to wear and pack. Here are some essential items that you should bring with you:

Comfortable shoes: The hike involves some rough and uneven terrain, so you need to wear comfortable and sturdy shoes that can protect your feet and prevent injuries. Avoid sandals, flip-flops, or heels, as they can cause blisters, cuts, or sprains.

Layers: The hike can be cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon, so you need to wear layers that you can adjust according to the temperature and the weather. Wear a t-shirt, a sweater, and a jacket, and bring a hat, a scarf, and gloves. You can also bring a raincoat or an umbrella, in case of rain or mist.

Sunscreen: The hike can be sunny and bright, especially at the summit, so you need to protect your skin from the sun and avoid sunburns. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF before the hike, and reapply it every few hours. You can also wear sunglasses and a hat to shield your eyes and face.

Water: The hike can be thirsty and dehydrating, especially in the heat and the altitude, so you need to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Bring at least 2 liters of water per person, and refill your bottle at the hut near the forest. You can also buy some water or juice at the shop near the trailhead, or at the summit from some local vendors.

Snacks: The hike can be hungry and exhausting, especially if you skip breakfast or lunch, so you need to eat some snacks and replenish your energy. Bring some nuts, fruits, granola bars, or sandwiches, and eat them along the way or at the summit. You can also buy some snacks at the shop near the trailhead, or at the summit from some local vendors.

Camera: The hike can be scenic and photogenic, especially at the sunrise and the summit, so you need to capture the moments and memories. Bring a camera, a phone, or a GoPro, and take some photos and videos of the views and the attractions. You can also ask some fellow hikers or locals to take some photos of you and your group.

How to follow the trail

The hike to Ella Rock can be tricky and confusing, especially if you are hiking on your own, without a guide or a tour. The trail is not well marked or maintained, and there are many forks and turns that can lead you to the wrong direction or to a dead end. To avoid getting lost or wasting time, you need to follow the trail carefully and attentively. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Follow the directions:

The directions that we gave you in this guide are based on our personal experience and research, and they are accurate and reliable as of November 2023. However, the trail may change over time due to weather, construction, or other factors, so you should always double-check the directions before you start the hike. You can also use a map, a GPS, or a compass to help you navigate the trail.

Follow the landmarks:

The landmarks that we mentioned in this guide are some of the most visible and recognizable features along the trail, and they can help you confirm that you are on the right track. You should always look for the landmarks and compare them with the photos and descriptions that we provided. If you don’t see the landmarks or if they look different from the photos, you may have taken a wrong turn or missed a sign, and you should backtrack and find the correct path.

Follow the locals:

The locals are the people who live and work near the trail, such as the tea pickers, the shop owners, the hut owners, and the vendors. They are very familiar with the trail and the area, and they can help you find the way and avoid the pitfalls. You should always ask the locals for directions and advice, and follow their instructions and suggestions. They are usually friendly and helpful, and they may even offer you some tea, snacks, or souvenirs. However, you should also be careful of some locals who may try to scam you or mislead you, such as the fake guides, the touts, or the beggars. You should always be polite and respectful, but also firm and assertive, and decline any offers or requests that you are not comfortable with.

How to enjoy the hike

The hike to Ella Rock is not only a physical challenge, but also a mental and emotional one. You will face some difficulties and obstacles, such as the distance, the elevation, the terrain, the weather, the leeches, and the scams. You will also experience some joys and rewards, such as the views, the attractions, the sunrise, and the accomplishment. To enjoy the hike, you need to overcome the challenges and appreciate the benefits. Here are some tips on how to do that:

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Enjoy the journey:

The hike to Ella Rock is not just about reaching the summit, but also about enjoying the journey. You should not rush or hurry, but take your time and savor the moments. You should stop and admire the views, explore the attractions, interact with the locals, and take some photos and videos. You should also listen to the sounds, smell the scents, feel the sensations, and taste the flavors of the hike. You should also be mindful and aware of your surroundings, your feelings, and your thoughts, and appreciate the beauty and the wonder of the hike.

Enjoy the company:

The hike to Ella Rock is not just about hiking alone, but also about hiking with others. You should not isolate or ignore, but connect and communicate with your companions. You should share your stories, your opinions, your jokes, and your emotions with your friends, family, or partner. You should also support, encourage, and motivate each other, and help each other overcome the difficulties and celebrate the achievements. You should also be open and friendly, and meet and greet some fellow hikers or locals along the way. You should also respect and appreciate the diversity and the uniqueness of the people you encounter on the hike.

Enjoy the destination:

The hike to Ella Rock is not just about hiking, but also about reaching the destination. You should not be disappointed or dissatisfied, but be proud and happy with your accomplishment. You should congratulate yourself and your companions, and reward yourself with some rest and relaxation. You should also enjoy the view and the sunrise at the summit, and marvel at the spectacle and the splendor of nature. You should also reflect and remember the hike, and cherish the memories and the lessons that you learned.

The hike to Ella Rock is one of the most rewarding and scenic hikes in Sri Lanka, and you should definitely try it if you are in Ella. In this guide, we showed you how to hike Ella Rock on your own, without a guide or a tour. We also shared with you some tips and advice on how to prepare, what to expect, and how to enjoy the hike. We hope that this guide will help you have a safe, fun, and memorable hike to Ella Rock.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to leave them below. And if you liked this guide, please share it with your friends and family. Thank you for reading, and happy hiking!

Ella Rock Reviews

Ella, a place higher than a thousand feet above sea level has one of the most seek after hiking spot for outdoor enthusiast like me. I hiked up Ella rock which took about 3 hours or so to finish. Little Adam's peak - worth going to have a good view of the surrounding area. You will find elderly folks picking tea leaves as you walk pass the tea plantation up to Little Adam's peak. Don't be surprise if you see someone come running out after you to invite you for a tea. ( its a restaurant - you have to pay )
Ella- is a small place in the central province of Sri Lanka. Filled with tea plantations. All of your olfactory receptors open up to the maximum and you be like, Yes! This is what I wanted to smell for-ever. We did an Ella Rock trek which is like 5 hours from the city bus stop. The trek is medium level and can be done with little difficulty.
Photos of Ella Rock
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