When A Solo Girl Traveler Confessed

Photo of When A Solo Girl Traveler Confessed 1/1 by Sagnik Basu

Excerpts from a solo girl traveler! 

During my footloose phases, the most common mention was, ‘Wow, you’re going alone. That’s so brave.’  Many didn’t think they could ever do anything like this, let alone  stepping up solo.

My biggest realisation after all these years is that we never actually are alone. The truth is going around with a partner would limit me,  in fact I can honestly say that going out solo leads me to new experience and people, which with a partner would have been a liability. If you crave to ‘take a day off’ to do nothing but update your blog or gaze the day away at a café and a book then that’s what you should strive for.  Full disclosure, as a solo girl traveler, I have had luck in having no knock on wood moments.  That is not saying that everywhere I had been to were sound. A good combination your know-how skills and street smarts is all you need. A friend of mine was in fact got mugged in Ecuador a few yards from my hostel, and cameras all the time do get ‘lost’ along the way  – so things do happen. The best you can do is not to ‘look lost’ and   have your own way to be who you wanna be. So put on your camouflage suit and be as local as possible.  Blend in, share a drink, crash at places for a while, be the spunge which absorbs the goodness of places where ever you set your foot to. One of the best life hacks for a traveller is, tapping in the friend of friend’s network. Send out e-mails before you set your foot out, get mutual with the taverin folks of your destination. It is amazing, how often you will build on new friendships, explore people, sometimes even better than the place and believe it or not, romanticism will be in your stars.But nothing can match up to meeting the people all over the world that I now call my friends.  There are things going on in the world and for eternity will be, but at the basic level of everyday existence in big cities and in towns all over the globe, jovial people are making their little corner of the world

But nothing can match up to meeting the people all over the world that I now call my friends.  There are things going on in the world and for eternity will be, but at the basic level of everyday existence in big cities and in towns all over the globe, jovial people are making their little corner of the world a affable and welcoming place.