Reaching Diu:
Diu does not have a railway station. The nearest railway junction is Veraval, which is 90 km from Diu. A direct train connects Verval to Ahmedabad. Diu is an easy one-hour flight from Mumbai. State run busses as well as some private companies serve Diu from Ahmedabad & Vadodara. Trip take around 10 hours, and both regular and night time sleeper buses exist.
Recommended length of stay: one night 2 days..if you have to visit all places giving justice
We booked room at Rasal resort just in front of Nagoa beach (road cross distance away). Decent room and moderate rent. There are many other splendid resorts available near and far from the beach. But our choice was based on proximity to Nagoa beach and the room rent. No best deal than rasal resort !! The food although being costly wasnt a big deal because one doesnt need to have meal there. Radhika resort is also adjacent to Rasal resort and is bit costlier. (okay, if you wanna spend few extra bucks or if you are with family or elegant people).
Here's what you do at Diu.
Upon reaching central bus depot, just behind it, you will find 1-2 travel agents who also give rent a bike/moped. You need to have bike to enjoy this entire place. else auto-rickshaws are available...but trip will be costly without much fun. So, guys, get a bike on rent and explore to have full fun...
Nagoa beach
On the road, at Nagoa beach, you can enjoy lazeez alu paratha (in dhaba) and curd...too tasty...we had that instead of costly and limited breakfast in rasal resort. You can enjoy para sailing and scooter boat at nagoa beach. You can just sit on yellowish-white sands (unlike chocolate brown coloured sand of western coast like Tithal, Mumbai, etc) and pass good time with friends-family. The beach is clean and peaceful.
Gangeshwar temple:
very peaceful place. an open temple on the shore. you can enjoy evening here sitting on the benches ahead of the temple...
INS khukri memorial
You need to reach there by a few stairs...once up, you will see a small model of the battle ship INS Khukri. Again, the view of sea is awesome !! If you want to enjoy sunset, this is the perfect place...On nagoa beach, you will not see sun setting at horizon as we see normally on the western coastline..
Sea Shell musem
nominal paid entry, founded & maintained by a merchant navy personnel. He has a vast collection of hundreds of types of shells across the globe through out his career span.
Diu fort
Nothing too cool about it except light house.
Ghoghla beach
This beach is just adjacent to entry gate of Diu. One-two resorts located in its front also. But the beach looks deserted. not as much enjoyable at Nagoa beach. Para-sailing here is not fun because the tie you to a jeep and move on the land, unlike that on Nagoa beach which is over water.
Nadia caves
mysterious caves out side Diu city...
Phudam village
nothing to visit in this village...but go to Gangeshwar temple passing through this village and it will be soothing to see so colourful houses and clean streets, something hard to find in India !
You can get lunch/dinner options in the city restaurants. we went to the one opposite to jetty on the city road.
and yes,you will enjoy various vistas coming on the way while going from one location to other on bike. JUST EXPLORE !!