Dhauladhars! No thats not how easily we enclose the grandeur of the crown that is the mighty Dhauladhars. Mountains are great but even greater are these mighty ranges that touch the beautiful haven of Himachal Pradesh. As such on a whole the Dhauladhars are most scenic, most captivating but still accessible are certain jewels in this ever snow clad crown. One of such jewels is first among the many lakes known as KARERI LAKE.
Kareri lake trek starts from the picturesque village of kareri having not much population. From here one can take tents and sleeping bag on a daily basis. The trail starts easily on a trodden path and takes you into pine and deodar forests. One can find ample of deodar wood rich in oil and resin to burn through the night to stay warm.
Now, the basic question arises as to how to reach kareri village and the easiest answer is to book a cab from Dharamshala bus station to Kareri village. Cab fares are volatile and largely depend on you.
There are not many but adequate shops to have refreshments though not all offer the royal comfort. Having said that being in the Dhauladhars is itself a comfort. A person going for the first time or a solo experienced trekker need not worry as there are a lotta people that walk the trail.
One must also be vary because there is very little signal connectivity and one will(can) find signal probably till the base camp of Kareri that too at only chosen certain spots.
The hike afterwards from base camp is easy and it only takes you a while(2-3 hours) to have a glimpse of the mighty Dhauladhars. And once you cross the final threshold lo and behold awaits you Kareri and one of the most deadliest Himalayan passes- the Minkiani pass.
To cut the story short which already is cut short- sorry for that, kareri is one beautiful place to be though the view of the Dhauladhar ranges could have been much better. The view from the village of the Dhauladhars is much mightier. One might even gasp for breath. Having said that the lake offers you divine solitude.
Kareri remains a jewel and Dhauladhars remain forever in my heart. Before signing off I would end by saying that-‘ it is not you who decides to climb the Dhauladhars but it is the Dhauladhars that decide who climbs on.’
PS:- i did kareri lake trek for new years eve and started on 30th to reach on 1st and then back to kareri village on 1st. There is bus connectivity from kareri village to dharamshala but only 4 buses per day are there, for timings be sure to confirm them at the bus station. Also the can from kareri to dharamshala is 800 Rs one way passage. Cheers have a great time exploring