Baba Baidyanath dham in one of the Jyotirlinga among 12. It is located in Deoghar, Jharkhand. Deoghar is well connected by road, railway and air. You can travel either by any mode.
I took train from Patna junction in morning 5.30am. Nearest railway junction for Deoghar is Jasidhi junction. All trains halt here. From Jasidhi station temple is only 7-8 km. Auto rickshaw goes in sharing 20rs per passanger. Auto won't drop you exact near to temple it will drop you 1km away from the Temple.
As i travelled on weekdays there is not much rush as usual. It took 1.30 hrs to take darshan. It is very chaotic inside the temple. Starting point of queue is outside the temple through over bridge. Panda tells they will arrange darshan in 5min, choose wisely. Also inside the garbh gruh rush is too much. No proper management for garbh gruh pravesh. Be alert and safe while going inside the garbh gruh.
There are many more temples surrounding to main Temple.